Chapter 26

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Cassie wasn't sure why her feet had taken her to this place all over again. She wasn't even sure how she had known the way. But she had and now she stood staring out at the snow brushed park and the old rickety swings that rocked back and forth in the wind. This is where it had all started. She skimmed the stone tunnel structure with her fingers. Almost 3 years ago, she had seen a boy rear his head into the entrance of the tunnel, inexplicably falling into her life. After meeting Bastien and leaving the café, she had wandered into the outskirts of town. The park had been a pleasant find, particularly in the rain which had driven her deep into the cavity of the stone tunnel. Damp and cold inside and mould sprouting up against the cracks in the surface, it hadn't been the nicest of places. She had listened to the patter of rain outside, momentarily forgetting about the house of demons. Not even an hour had passed when she had heard a clunk at the entrance of the tunnel and her heart had lurched up her throat at the sight of a shadowed figure. She had been prepared to run, instantly believing that Cole had found her. She had risen onto one knee but just as she had been about to bolt, the sky had lit up with a crackle, revealing the stranger to her eyes.

A boy

A boy with dark yet gentle eyes and dripping wet hair who wore an expression of shock stuck on his face. Her heart had thumped from the sight of it and she had been surprized when the boy had huffed, rolling into the very edge of the tunnel entrance. She shuddered. At the time, she hadn't been sure what he had wanted, although now the answer was pretty obvious. What was still odd was how she had chosen to stay. Demons had been one thing but men alone could be just as dangerous, even if small. Her aunt Lily had warned her of such things in the past. Taking quick glances of the stranger had been thrilling but he had faced away from her, perhaps awkward of the situation. After all, he had certainly looked out of place, dressed in a navy suit and lilac coloured tie. And it wasn't just his outfit that was peculiar but also his behaviour. In the past, her brothers had been pretty much the only boys she had known, excluding the odd couple in her class. They had been the boisterous type, loud and full of life. They hadn't been one for making people feel awkward, no matter what the situation. The stranger before her had been different. He had sat with his arm draped over a bent knee, his other leg tucked towards him. Where had he come from? As if he had sensed her eyes upon him, he had turned to her quickly, forcing her upright. It had been uncomfortable, pretending that she didn't care that he was looking at her, when inside she had been completely freaking out. She had been nauseatingly innocent back then. After a few moments of looking and presumably satisfied, he had turned from her, ruffling his fingers through his hair.


Yes, she had been jumpy. She hadn't expected him to say anything, especially with such a cold look on his face. Still, the smell of his cologne had been pleasing, almost masking the stale smell of the moss against her back. His eyebrows furrowed, his lips thinned.


There had been no mistaking it the second time and she had literally leapt on the spot, causing a squeak of surprize from her. Before she had even had time to worry if he had heard it, his gaze had snagged her full attention and he captured her within his amber gaze.

"Do you want to go home with me?"

His eyes hadn't made it seem very much like a question. Her mind had fumbled with it and as if exasperated with the amount of time it was taking her to answer, he had huffed, tugging on the tie to loosen it slightly. It had been fair to say she had been fascinated by this, if not a little scared by it.

"I'm asking if you want to sleep with me."

The words had fallen out of his mouth as if he had just asked her about the weather. It had her baffled. She hadn't been sure what to make of the stranger but she sure as heck had known she didn't want to sleep with him!

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