Chapter Thirty Three

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You got out of your house and started walking to your school, you didn't bump into Junyung or even Jungkook. You didn't mind though, but it felt pretty sad without the two.

You arrived at school and everyone was all happy. You didn't bother, so you just continued walking towards your classroom. You opened the door and everyone in your class was smiling and talking to one another. It felt like the old times, when you weren't involve in anything and no one bothered you. 

As you were taking your seat, you were greeted by a Junyung and a Mina. "Good morning," they greeted together. "Good morning," you greeted back. The two took their seats, 

"So, did anything happen when I wasn't bothering you these past days?" Junyung asked. You laughed, "It was peaceful. Anyways, you two are incredibly close."

Mina chuckled, "We recently found out were neighbors." Junyung nodded, "Yup," his eyes looked at Jungkook's seat. "Wheres Jungkook? I thought he'd be with you."

You shook your head, "Nah, he's with his hyungs, I'm guessing."

Junyung slowly nodded, "So, he hasn't been walking you to school?"

"Well, I don't mind. I get plenty of time to think about life and all that, you know?" 

"But Jungkook is supposed to be walking you to school."

Your lips parted, until a familiar figure stood beside you. You turned your head, only to see Jungkook. A light smile appeared on your lips, "Hey, Jungkook." You greeted.

He didn't reply, instead, he just had this cold expression all over his face. You gulped, "A-Are you okay?" You asked the boy, Mina and Junyung looked at the two of you.

No words left Jungkook's mouth, he just placed his bag on his desk and left the classroom. You felt your heart aching, 

is he..pretending I don't exist? You thought, lowering your head.

Junyung clicked his tongue, he got off his seat and marched out of the classroom.

Jungkook was walking down the hall, alone. Junyung grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face him. "What is wrong with you?" Junyung glared at Jungkook. He sighed, "Mind your own business." He said, coldly, about to turn his back but Junyung stopped him.

"What in fucks name is wrong with you?" Junyung's eyes were all dark, glaring onto Jungkook's. He pushed his arm away from his shoulder, "What kind of, 'mind your own business', don't you understand?"

Junyung clenched his fists, landing a punch on Jungkook's cheek. It left him a bruise, his cheek went pale to purple quick. Jungkook rubbed his bruised cheek, not saying anything.

"Tell me the fucking truth, Jungkook." Junyung said, raising his voice a little. Jungkook chuckled, "No," and just like that, Junyung landed another punch on the same cheek. 

But this time, Jungkook fell on the floor, groaning in pain. They didn't notice the huge crowd forming around them though.

Jungkook slowly went back on his feet, landing a punch on Junyung. His hyungs quickly separated the two, "Whoa, whoa, whats going on here?" Namjoon asked.

Junyung just glared daggers at Jungkook. 

"Alright, everyone. The fight is over, go back to your classes." Jin told the crowd. His hyungs quickly dragged Junyung and Jungkook somewhere no one could see them.

"What is going on with the two of you?" Namjoon asked, folding his arms. 

Junyung turned to face Jungkook, but he looked away, avoiding Junyung's cold eyes. 

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