'Grace & Niall' - Request

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Cus we be in the club

Bottles on deck and god dammit, god dammit I'm feelin' myself

Cus I'm gon' get it all

And I'm a throw it up like god dammit, god dammit I'm feelin' myself

Look up in the mirror, the mirror look at me

The mirror be like baby you the shit god dammit…’

The grin on your face couldn’t have been bigger as you walked around the small house your best friend had rented for your party. It was the night before your birthday and more than fifty people had shown up. Granted, you had met most of them through your boyfriend Niall, you were still surprised they showed up when they knew he wouldn’t be here. It was no secret that your relationship ended on a bad note just a week ago. You hadn’t seen him and he hadn’t seen you which was probably for the best.

Time was passing quickly and you soon found the party had died down, due to it being early in the morning. The party for you however was still in full swing. You were taking tequila shots with a guy named Matt. He was one of your friends from high school who you had kept in touch with. The two of you had dated but only for a couple of months as you found it better to just be friends. As your second shot glass touched your lips and you downed the liquid, you felt and arm wrap around your back and a hand land on your ass.

You dropped the glass down to the table and stared at the owner of the hand, Matt. He winked at you before leaning down to kiss you. He had taken several more shots than you and god knows how many drinks before that. True you had liked him, about ten years ago, but those feelings were long gone.

‘What’re you doing?’

‘I’m trying to get it from the birthday girl.’ He was slurring his words, an obvious indication he had downed many more drinks than you.

‘Matt… I thought we agreed things were over between us…’

‘They are, but we can still have fun.’ You inched away from him, only to have his hand drag you back towards him.

‘Matthew! Let me go now!’ He gritted his teeth and once again attempted to kiss you, succeeding after pushing you into the cupboard with the handle digging into your back. After several seconds of no response on your end, he pulled you back and threw you to the floor where you collided with the fridge and a ton of empty bottles.

‘Get up!’ He was growling at you now, definitely not the person you knew.


‘You aren’t worth it.’ The last you rememeber is colliding with the fridge and seeing him wak out the front door, slamming it behind him…

The memory was a hard one for you to have to recall to paramedics and police officers, but over and over you were forced to. You had blacked out from the sight of the blood and had woken up in a hospital bed. No-one had been around. Each time something had happened, Niall had been around. He was always there when you woke up, always there to cry to and to laugh with.

‘Nurse!’ You called before the thoughts could make you cry. A nurse dressed in a dark blue dress came running in with an alarmed look on her face.

‘Wha-. Oh, you’re awake. Um, we weren’t sure if you had anyone you wanted to call and we were planning on asking you once you awoke.’

‘No, well I do, but he… isn’t available. What’s wrong with me?’ The nurse walked further into the room and unclipped the chart from the end of your bed.

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