'Megan & Zayn' - Request

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'Come on Lacey, please go to sleep.' You cooed to your three year old. She frowned up at you and crossed her arms. She missed Zayn and so did you. It had been four months since he had left for tour and you hadn't been able to see him. Letting out a tired sigh, you turned her night light on before leaving the room, leaving the door slightly ajar. Making your way to your bedroom, your shoulders sagged and you allowed a single tear to fall.

The room seemed empty without Zayn, so you had turned the TV on to cover up the quiet. Lacey had finally gone to sleep, so you had to be mindful of how loud you were. You had been watching a movie, but all too soon the credits began rolling over the screen. Changing the channel, you landed on an entertainment news channel. There were the usual suspects; Lindsay Lohan, Justin Bieber, Russell Brand and of course, One Direction. What surprised you is that they then continued to single out Zayn and flash pictures of him getting close to a girl in a restaurant. You didn't recognise the girl, and it didn't look like Zayn was trying to keep it a secret.

'Asshole.' You shut the TV off and threw the remote onto the floor. Pulling the duvet over your head, you squeezed your eyes tightly shut and prayed for sleep to engulf you and provide an escape.

You were woken up by someone crawling over your bed. Looking up, you saw your daughter.

'Morning sweetheart.'

'Mummy! Daddy called but you were asleep, so he wants you to call him back. He said to tell you please mummy.' You frowned at her but sat up, looking for your phone. Finding it under your pillow, you grabbed it and picked up your daughter, taking her into the kitchen. After giving her breakfast, you left the room to call Zayn. He picked up after a few rings.



'I tried calling you before but Lace told me you were asleep..'

'Yeah, I was. Still would be if she hadn't woken me up.'

'I'm sorry.'

'Yeah. What did you want to talk to me about?'

'I just wanted to tell you something so you didn't get the wrong idea. Are you alright? You seem... kinda pissed.'

'Don't worry about it. Continue.'

'I was at a restaurant two nights ago with a girl.'


'My cousin. She lives out here and I'm staying with her and my uncle while we're here. I haven't seen them in ages.'


'Yeah. I just thought I should tell you because I saw several photos going around from the restaurant. I didn't want you to get upset or anything.'

'I kinda feel stupid now.'

'Why's that?'

'I thought... you and her... were... you know. Seeing each other.'

'Babe, no, I promise. It's nothing like that.'

'Sorry, I just didn't know.'

'Yeah, don't worry about it. Look, I've gotta go, I'll call you later on alright?'

'Alright Zayn, I miss you.'

'Aw babe, I miss you too. Give Lacey a kiss for me, I love you both.'

'Love you too!' And with that, you hung up. You walked back into the kitchen to see Lacey grinning.

'What're you looking so happy about?'

'Daddy told me a secret this morning!'

'And whats the secret?'

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