October 31st

36 0 0

Halloween One-Shot: 

Lights Out

An increased blaring of music brings a throbbing pain to Ares' head. The last paragraph of the essay she'd been writing for her literature course wouldn't force itself out even if her life depended on it; and a frat party across the hall wasn't helping that. Though it's due Thursday, it would be impossible to complete it without finishing tonight. She has work after school tomorrow, leaving one day to edit. Tense fingers press against the side of her temple in an attempt to relieve some of her stress. She casts her laptop aside and climbs off her burgundy love-seat. She grabs the long, gray windbreaker and pulls it over her sleeveless shoulders.

The counsellors advised her against getting an apartment in a complex primarily filled with other college students. She insisted, though, believing it'd make it easier for her to find a roommate. Well, that proved true. She instantly found a roommate; one that was dragged deep into the world of partying by the two worst neighbors in existence. During their second year her roommate moved out. She failed the first year due to partying, and there was no way for her to catch up. Ares is now stuck with the Chip and Dale of neighbors and an inability to replace her roommate.

Her shoeless footsteps are light against the concrete-rock mixture outside her apartment. She bangs on the neighbor's door before folding her arms over her chest and sticking her leg out. "What?" Chett barks at her. He'd known it was her, he always knows when it's her. Two and a half years of her bickering and he'd grown quite accustomed to it. "Turn down the music." she bites back pointedly. "Alright," he grumbles despite holding back a smile. She rolls her eyes and goes back inside. Chett closes the door with a grin. He raises a drink as he turns around. "Turn up the music!" He screams to the dark horde of figures dancing in the dim lights.

A sigh leaves Ares' lips. She sits and places the laptop where it was before. As soon as the cold bottom of the laptop makes contact with her bare skin, everything goes black and silent. The screen is blank and won't turn on or budge or anything. The music is cut off and the dim light shining through her window is gone. She climbs up on the sofa to get a better look out of the window. Everything is dark. No light, save for the natural glow of the moon, shines from outside. Not a single porchlight or street lamp is on. Everything is... black.

Grunts and whines of disapproval and confusion sound from inside Chett and, his roommate, Ashton's apartment. "What the hell was that? Why so sudden?" Ashton asks his roommate and best friend. "I don't know... but I'll find out. Keep 'em busy while I fix it." Chett replies as he puts down his now blank phone. "Calm down everyone," he screams as he exits the kitchen. "I'll go check the box. Chill and grab some more booze." Everyone cheers at that.

As he exits the apartment he runs into Ares. "Here," she says, handing him a flashlight. She figured one of them would come out to fix the problem, but wouldn't be smart enough to bring a light source. This wasn't the first time the power went out in the complex. It was a first for them to cause the streetlights to go out. Even her laptop turned off, and her phone refused to turn on. On the inside, Ares hopes it's only a coincidence. "How'd you guys manage to blow out the lights, again?" She says as he takes it.

"Hey, don't just blame that on us." He turns on they light before they begin the journey to the generator. Despite the irritation that he felt, he found himself matching speeds with her. "The party was at your place too."

"Yes," she says as they reach the sidewalk, "and that was understandable, but this time it's just you guys. How tell hell could you manage that? It seems like the lights throughout the entire complex blew out." No one was out tonight, which is on the brink of being odd. It's Halloween, so aside from the parties, everyone has gone trick-or-treating. Even the college kids leave the complex. The sidewalks should be bustling with children in costume though.

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