April 1st

33 0 0


April Fools, Baby

Seraphina's P.O.V.

Carlos and I walk down the deteriorating hallway. I take off my leather jacket and hand it to him. He takes it but never takes his eyes off of me. I haven't look his way but I can feel his pupils burning into my skin until he finally turns away.

My slightly heeled shoes click beneath my black slacks. I fold up the sleeves of my white, button up. This isn't my usual attire but we like to keep what we do here professional. If the adults won't take us seriously than we have to take matters into our own hands.

Carlos jogs up to me as I put my long, brown hair into a ponytail. The thoughts of what we were about to do had me dazed. I zoned out for a bit, and, as the leader of this particular operation, I'm supposed to be precise. I didn't even notice that I was leaving him behind.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks, forcing me to face him. He points to a door and goes on in the most reassuring way possible. "We can get Brad to, he's up for it. He needs the practice anyways."

I hold my hand up to him, cutting him off from unconvincingly trying to assure me. "This is my job, not Brad's, not anyone else's. I got this." I say and he gives me a smile and small nod.

Carlos and I enter through the double doors simultaneously. The room is brighter than the hall but all of the light is directed on her.

There are two guys in the other room listening in on what's going on in here. We've wired the room so that it all connects to two separate headsets. It's also set up so that they can record the conversation but not us. Cameras are not allowed inside.

Lindsey and Brett guard the door from the other side. A few others guard the warehouse from the outside and some in. Three of our men have stalking the school's social media as their only job, and it's a job their very good at. We've caught six cyberbullies since the beginning of the week, not counting the hacked account we finally cracked down on, taking down an entire group with it.

We also have a few field agents who work from the inside. They're like spies. They pretend to be apart of the clique to gather information and be a witness to their inhumane deeds. We, of course, encourage them to stop whatever it is that they're doing, but if and when they don't the real consequences come in.

"Ramonica," I call to her. She quickly lifts her head in fear and worry as she searches for the source of my voice. After a small while her eyes finally land on me, or what might only be a silhouette to her.

"Why am I here? I haven't done anything wrong, so why am I here?" She yells in our direction.

Carlos takes a step towards her. "We've been doing this long enough for you to know why you're here."

"Whatever you think I did I didn't do. How could I when, not to long ago, I was a victim myself?" Her rhetorical question caused my mind to wander back to when we first met.

It was around the time we first started this whole operation. We were already assigned partners so me and Carlos were working together. Back then we were only mere spectators, bystanders if you will. We'd been doing it long enough to know not to break character. But that all changed when I saw her.

It was before we got the warehouse and made our makeshift interrogation room. So if there was any bullying going on we'd discuss it amongst ourselves to figure out which administrator would take the situation seriously. We've advanced since then, and are now working with multiple schools, police, the mayor, and colleges.

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