April 22nd

21 0 0

Earth Day: 

Veggies Suck

Jessy and I walk through the school's quad in complete and utter boredom. Our feet carry us at a depressing pace as our mind skim through any sources of entertainment.

"We can mess with the goths." Jess pipes up, but as soon as she does I strike her down.

"We do that everyday, we need to do something different."

"Hmm," she replies. Both of us put a finger over our lips. We've spent so much time with each other we're practically the same person.

"Let's go bully the tree huggers. There's this little rally at the park that we can crash." I smirk, satisfied.

We share a smile that clearly confirms our future intents. This quickly changes though. The enthusiasm leaves Jess' eyes as she frowns.

"What?" I ask, raising a brow.

"That's way later, Shanna. I'm bored now."

"Then let's go kick down a crippled or something." I wave her off sarcastically.

"Shanna," she whines in aw. "That was actually really fucking mean."

"Seriously, don't act that dumb." I roll my eyes and give up on my attempt to explain her stupidity. "If we're gonna do this we need to prepare."

"Posters, slogans, the whole shebang."

I smile and nod. "The whole shebang."

We lock arms as we give each other a deadly smirk. My skirt bounces and her dress twists as we damn near skip off of school campus.

We're going to be the Brick Stone to their Westboro Baptist Church, and we're gonna love every bit of it.

Two hours later we're at the park. The tree huggers skipped school today so they're already here. Groups of them hold signs and chant.

A guy walks past a group of "protesters" as they say, "It's Earth day, appreciate the Earth."

"Appreciate this." A guy says, dropping a piece of litter on the ground causing me to laugh. Jess jogs up and high fives him before they begin to walk off together. She's probably trying to get him in on the fun, and -I know for sure- she's going to give him her number.

"That can kill a native specie." A girl speaks up.

"These can to." One of his friends says as he grabs his nuts.

I laugh lowly, trying to cover up my smile. I step up, playing as if I'm apart of their movement.

"Hey, you need to take care of your environment, it's critical to the Earth's health and to ours." I say causing confusion to flash across the boy's face. I smile and wink at him before turning to the brunette with the glasses.

"Uh- thanks. I- I didn't know you cared about the Earth."

I want to say, "I don't," but that would just blow it.

"Of course I do. This is my home, plus trash is like... yuckie." I say as we start walking away.

The girl laughs. "That sounds like something you would say. Oh, I'm Sabrina by the way." She says holding a hand out to me.

"I know your face." I say seriously as I take her hand. "And you know my name."

She laughs a bit. "Yeah. So- uh- what made you come here. I mean, when did you become an environmental philanthropist?"

"Meh, about twenty minutes ago." I laugh causing her to laugh to.

"You're funny." A small laugh leaves her slightly chapped lips. "Should I show you around?" She asks, and I simply shrug.

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