July 4th

18 0 0

Independence Day One-Shot: (A/N: This is an old, two part one-shot of mine that I thought would fit perfectly for this day.. the ending is more unfortunate that the first, but no less enjoyable.)

*Porn Warning*


"It's been awhile, Jameson." a familiar voice echoes through my ears. Even if I couldn't detect his arrogant voice from a mile away, I'd still know it was him. No one knows me as James in this town, and if they do they wouldn't acknowledge me as it.

Why is he even here? It's been a perfect year without him. It took me six of those months to forget, so why the hell would he come back? Why would he show up like this? Does he not get the picture? Does he not understand that me leaving was an act of practicing what I had preached, or is he just too stupid to understand that? I need my independence.

I ignore him, continuing my journey to God knows where. To say this guy has an affect on me is more than an understatement. It's so bad that he can conquer my thoughts and make me lose sight of the world. It's ridiculous that I once thought I left that town because of those homophobically diseased people. Now I know for a fact that I really left because of him.

A hand wraps tightly around my wrist. It's so sudden that I am too shocked to struggle or try to pull away. He pulls me to an alleyway. It's rather clean, unlike most. There is a wall that comes out, obscuring the vision of passer-byers so no one can see nor know what's behind it. This is the perfect place for whatever he has in mind.

He pushes me onto one of the alley walls, pressing himself against my back in an attempt to pin me in place. His large erection rubs against me, causing me to let out breathless pants. "I know you want me, Jay, just admit it."

"And if I don't?" I ask, sass coating my voice. He seems a bit taken back by this. A breathless laugh leaves my lips.

He licks my earlobe, sending shivers down my spine. "We all know what happens then..." he trails off.

"I'll be begging you not to stop." I say unconsciously, remembering how it was back when we were together, but not together.

"Ahh, and he admits it."

"You always were the rough type." I say indifferently.

James suddenly turns me around. He pushes his bottom half against mine so that he can hold me in place. I push against him but to no avail. My arms slump at my shoulders as I give up my struggle. My eyes dart across his every feature. Why the hell is he looking at me like that? He's studying me like I'm some damned lab rat.

"Who are you and what the hell did you do to Jameson?" he says in a harsh voice.

A window opens, so I sheese the opportunity as I push him away. He stumbles back this time. This is a perfect opportunity to flee, but I think the better of it. If he's come this far I'm afraid -for lack of better words- of what he'll do next. It's sweet, how far he'd go. The terrible truth is, though, I honestly don't want him to. All I want is for him to get the hell out of my life. Is that to much to ask? He's ruined me once, I'll be damned if I let that happen again.

"Look, Jonas, I've grown up... let go of such childish games. I'm still Jameson but I'm not the same Jay you once knew."

"Did you just call me childish?" he says with an amused smile on his face.

A forced smile appears on mine as I play along with his little game. "I also mentioned being over you, yet neither of those things were exactly said, rather implied."

"So," he says taking a step closer, "you've moved on?" He pushing me back against the wall. "Are you sure?"

A chill comes over me as he pushes the curly brown locks out of my face. I nod my head "yes" like some fearful child, not trusting my own voice. This isn't something new to me. He has had this power over me for a long time, ever since we were together. Our relationship was stable to say the least. We were a constant hook up with an on-again-off-again relationship, and we liked it that way. No one would get hurt. Unfortunately, it wasn't all that simple.

After all this time he still makes me melt beneath him. He grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "I can change that." Within a second his lips savagely crashes onto mine. Our lips move in sync as he gives me no other option but to kiss back.

The feel of his hand traveling down my leg in a painfully slow manner is something I'm unfortunately use to. That doesn't mean it's any less torturous. He squeezes my thigh, forcing a moan out of me. Past experiences tell me that he wants me to wrap my legs around him. He confirms that by picking me up. His lips trail sweet, tender kisses down my neck where he begins to suck savagely. It's not long before he strips me of my shirt. The shirt that once covered his toned, golden skin is discarded, giving me a view I would never grow tired of. Jonas slowly slips his hand into my sweatpants, pulling at the hem of my boxers before slipping into it. I stupidly picked this day to wear sweats. Jeez, it's like I knew. I never wear sweats, and my body has been begging me for a nice blow job.

"Wait," my voice comes out in breathless pants. "what if someone sees?" I ask, hoping he'd stop.

"They won't," he says while forcefully exposing my entire body. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe his own lie, and I know for a fact that he'll clarify that later. He is selfish, thinking only of himself. That's nothing new. I expect nothing more of him.

His hand strokes my erection slowly. My legs squeeze him tightly, begging for more action. I bite my lips in an attempt to quiet my moans. I'm surprised my nails, clenching tightly, haven't punctured his skin. Pleasure builds as my back arches. If he can do this to me now, imagine what he does when he's inside of me.

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