October 10th

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Columbus Day One-Shot: 

Today's Your Day

(A/N: Soo many words... written such a long time)

Sun, ship, ocean waves, and salt air is all there is this far from the sea. All four ships in the middle of the ocean are effortlessly swayed by the motions of the Atlantic. For months Lady and her crew have been following three Spanish ships farther into the open waters. All three are well known ships, damn near royal. The one to the right is the fastest of 'em; the Pinta they call her. On the left is Nina, a caravel-type vessel like the Pinta, but standard. The main ship is the Santa Maria. Of all Captain Misti 'Crow-Eyes' Collis' years piratin' she'd never seen a ship journey this far out to sea, let alone three.

The salt wind spray is far from refreshing. This far out in the Atlantic is uncharted by pirate and non-pirate alike. These are dark waters, cursed to all. They lead men to their deaths... to the end of the world. The knowledge merely unsettled her, but did nothing to dissuade. The crew of her stolen Battle Ship, Lady, were a different story. The farther out to sea they get the more quiet they become. This only encourages her. The lot is a rowdy bunch, with a chantey for every task, straight from the bowels of the newer ships she's sunk.

Her own, true, crew are long behind, plundering what they could with the three First-Mates she'd become accustomed to calling First-Ladies, and her Quartermaster. This was Crow-Eyes' first time away from her own ship, the Féroce Dame, meaning Ferocious Lady in english. It was also her first time alone with this bunch; who'd given her the name. When she first plucked up the lot they whispered about the darkness of her eyes; said they were cold and maddened like the darkness of her soul, with the likeness of a crow. It never bothered her, it made them fear her. Fear is strong and, with respect, it's stronger, she thought. And they respect her just as much as they fear her. That much she'd learned over some rum and a couple cups of gorg.

"My Lad-" the boatswain corrected himself quickly, "Cap'ain... the crew grows without rest. What are were to do? What are your orders?" His voice is frantic. It upset her that a man with such cowardice had any authority over any of her ships. He shows fear, he does not strike it.

"Bos'n," she called the shaggy, foreign overseer by his new title, rather than his name. He was the only one of her true crew on the ship, and eager to please her. She made sure to make him feel important, though he's only the petty helper of a petty ship and its rough-spun crew. Beforehand, he was only a lower crew member, never having the pleasure of gracing her formally. Rose has permanently colored the cheeks hidden behind the thick wool he calls his beard and hair since he took up his new position.

Thin, rough fingers rub against smooth cheek skin, then to the rugged scar along the chin and down the neck. It was given to Misti in a bar fight three years passed. It happened when she was at a tavern table with Captain Phillip. They were discussing an escapade they would've gone on to force Captain Rumbelly out of the booty he'd sailed half the south Pacific to bury. It all changed in a flash. No one was sure who started it, that truth had died along with them. All she knew was the wooden table between them was flipped by her hands and her sword was out, gracefully gliding through some man's skull. A cloud of gunpowder bursted before her along with the spray of blood and bullet. Phillip had stalked around the table while she was occupied. Sword ready, she eyed for his intents.

It was sudden when she a knife was placed at her throat. The stench of foam and beer struck her nose as harsh. The blade pressed closer and closer, cutting just enough for the blood to trail gently as Phillip unsheathed his sword. The curved tip was thrusted right before her eyes, but she never flinched. A half smirk rose upon her red lips as she eyed the blade, then him. The blade moved down to her jaw where it pressed in deep. "A cowardice victory," she boomed through the quieted crowd. They'd all stopped to stare, to watch judgement be brought upon the untouchable Captain Misit 'Crow-Eyes'. Phillip gestured for the man to let her go; once done she quickly put a bullet through his brain.

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