March 17th

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A/N: I think I'm gonna go back on my one-shot word and make a full length story out of this one. It just does something to me, makes me so hype and excited. Read it and tell me what you think>


Pinch Me, I Must Be Dreaming

My town goes overboard on Saint Patrick's day. It becomes what Gaston is to Belle, overly obsessed for no clear reason. I know there are more Irish descendants in the U.S. than there actually are in Ireland, but I'm sure only a small few of them live here. That's if they even know they're of Irish descent.

My mom opens my door, pulling me from the graphic designs on my laptop. She smiles sweetly at me, granted it's Saints Patrick day, so I know exactly what this means. And she's not silently telling me we're going out for ice cream.

She pulls me down the stairs and into the living room where the hustle and bustle of the festivities is at its peak. The family runs around the room like overexcited, overly concerned teenagers on prom night.

My mom runs upstairs and comes back down soon after with a green, shimmering gown. It's cute -for someone else- but looks like one of those underpriced costumes you get from party city.

"I'm not wearing that." I fold my hands over my arms.

Let me elaborate on the dress a bit more and you'll understand why. The top is a dark green with a lighter four leaf clover imprinted in the center of it. The bottom is a type of puffed out material decorated with, almost literal, green glitter. It's not my color, not my style, and definitely something I'm not wearing.

"Look, if you like the dress so much you wear it, but I'm not." I shrug.

"Come on, Cher." My brother calls me by my unwanted nickname. "Can you at least spend a little time with your family and your town." He nudges me with his dark green jeans on, a light green shirt, and black jacket as his black/brown hair falls in front of his face. He's only saying that to bother me. He's egging them on, but little does he know it's going to backfire when I punch him dead in the center of his face.

"You only have two more months before graduation, than you'll be gone and you won't come back." My mom says tearing up.

She has enough sense to know that when I go off to college I'm done with this place. I've spent my entire life here, so when I leave they're going to have to come visit me. If not they're just not going to be able to see me.

"Please, Charlette, please." I sigh, internally rolling my eyes.

"Fine, but I'm wearing what I want to wear." She smiles and nods. "Okay, let me grab an outfit."

It doesn't take me long to get dressed. I put on a black leather all into one with white heels. The hairs on my half shaved head falls into loose curls as I pull it out of its messy bun. As I walk down the stairs my mom gives me an 'oh hell no' expression. Well, this will teach her that you can't always get exactly what you want. It backfires.

"Time to go." I say as I grab my purse and the family head out of the door. They have no time to disapprove of my outfit. I mean, they can't complain. It's not like I agree with my dad's choice of leprechaun Michael Jackson.

"Okay, buckle up." My dad says as I fight my brother to get in the car first. I push him out of the way and into the door. I laugh and buckle up as he lets out a heavy, angry sigh.

We head off to the mayor's mansion where a large party is taking place. The lawn if full of cars and the lights shining a bright yellow through the windows. You can see the shadows of figures within the house, a product of no cars being parked at any of the homes we've passed.

Holiday One-ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang