Climbing out of the Rabbit Hole

Start from the beginning

The walk to work was quick and I found myself worrying about running into Christopher. It seemed like after everything was said and done, he got the short end of the stick. I didn't know what I was going to say to him. I stepped into the building. Josh was waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me and took my hand. We stepped into the elevator. He gave me a tight hug and promised to come get me to  lunch before he had to get off. I sighed, feeling lonely without him but went up to my office.

The hustle and bustle around me was a nice distraction to the turmoil that had been my life for the past few days. I headed to my office, a small smile to those who greeted me on my way. I opened my door and took my seat at the computer.

I switched it on and checked my email. I had two submissions that I needed to look through but other than that I had nothing from Christopher. I decided to get started in the submissions he sent me.

An hour later, my phone rang.

"Savanna Blackwell, E.I.C," I answered.

"Hi, Savanna. It's Ashley," she said. Why was she calling? We usually didn't talk during the week. "I was just calling to let you know that Josh will no longer be my assistant. I was informed that he would be transferring to you again."

The smile that grew on my face just appeared. Chris had assigned him back to me. Why? Do you really care right now? You're getting  more time with Josh, my sassy half shushed. 

"Um, thank you for letting me know," I said, 'm y grin evident in my voice. She sighed.

"Whatever. I just thought you should know," she snapped before hanging up. I shrugged and put the phone back on its base. I saved the page I was working on before I got up.

I can't believe Josh was coming back. I would see him all day again.  I grinned to myself as I turned to look out the window. The sun was shining on downtown Houston. Everything seemed to be ok.

I'm me again. Josh and I were good. He was my assistant again. I'm ok. Evan didn't take up on his promise to come back. I haven't seen Christopher all day. Things were good. Wait- I haven't seen Christopher. Was he avoiding me? I wanted to thank him at least for everything.

Thoughts of sending him an email vanished when I saw a familiar brunette, blue eyed man come from the elevator. I smiled and opened the door, leaning against it as he made his way towards me. I beamed as he hurried towards me, his blue eyes locked on mine. He opened his arms and engulfed me in his hug. I sighed. 

"Hey baby," he murmured, pressing his lips to my head. I giggled, tightening my grip on him. He laughed and pulled back a bit to kiss me gently. 

*Two Weeks Later* 

I leaned back, noticing how boring my day was without Josh. He had to leave. His mom was sick and his dad was out of town on a business trip. None of his siblings could come because they had lives and kids so it was hard to leave last minute. Josh promised he'd make it up to me before he left and made me promise to call at least once a day to let him know how things were going. He left about a day ago.

I checked the clock. It was around two. I should probably call him. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. He answered on the second ring. 

"Hey, babe," he greeted, his voice an unwelcome reminder that he wasn't here with me. I sighed. 

"Hey, Joshie," I said. 

"How's work?" he asked. I groaned. 

"Boring. I miss having you around," I pouted. He laughed. 

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