I forced myself to stop because I remembered that even if he meant it or not... "It doesn't matter because it's true." I mumbled into his shirt.

He brushed my hair with his fingers. "What do you mean?" He asked.

I pulled away and wiped my face, feeling embarrassed at how vulnerable I had made myself. "I haven't seen my dad in years. He's in the military."

Andy's face was soft before, but it got softer and he looked at me with sympathy. "Oh, I... I didn't know." He said dumbly.

"You weren't supposed to."

"Well what about your mother?"

I sobered up quickly and shrugged. "She died. I never really knew her."

Andy looked at me then pulled me close to him in a tight hug. "Diana, I was just worried about you. I know we still don't know eachother well enough for me to say that, but-"

"Yeah, I know. Sorry."

By this time it was around six oclock and I was set in his lap. "It's fine. I know you don't usually do that kind of stuff."

I said nothing and just felt how he felt around me. It was weird because we'd never been intimate in that way before. He kissed my head and it felt wrong because he suddenly felt like my guardian. I hated that, so I turned to face him and caught his lips with mine.

He seemed shocked in the beginning, but returned it eagerly after. We kept kissing and I felt him leaning into me, then pulling away. "Diana, you're drunk." He reminded me.

"So?" I said with my arms around his neck.

He stared back at me nervously and I knew the power I had over him was too much. Andy quickly, like lightining, flipped me on my back and immediately went back to the kissing like before, this time the both of us getting heated quickly.

He slipped off his shirt with ease and threw off his belt, then his hands fumbled with my jeans. He almost had it when a familiar voice broke our kissing.

"Hey Andy, sorry, I left my binder he-re- oh."

I looked up and met eyes with the idiot named Toby, then back to Andy to see his eyes filled with frustration. "Toby." He groaned, still on me and climbed off to shove his younger brother into the guestroom to talk to him.

I didn't hear much but I knew they were lightly arguing. "Okay! I'm sorry! I won't-" Toby said back, loudly.

"Toby, you're a man. Act like one and respect my rules." Andy said, sounding more calm.

My eyes felt droopy and I fixed my jeans, turning over to cuddle close to one if his pillows and passing out.



Sounds of pencils on paper filled Mr. Grant's dead silent room. Number by number each student began to understand the teacher's sudden change in language, in communication. Now Mr. Grant sat and watched his computer boredly, with that same and usual unhappy expression.

That class room really depressed me.

Or was that because of the hangover?


My head snapped over to Toby who sneakily tried to mouth something to me, but I ignored it, feeling embarrassed. He didn't know that though, I wouldn't let him see that what happened that morning embarrassed me.

After I passed out I woke up to Andy nudging me awake in his car. "You're home." He had said, and we were, indeed, parked in front of my house.

I looked at him and sighed, turning my head away. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Smile For Me (Student/Teacher)Where stories live. Discover now