Chapter Eighty Eight: ➰

Bắt đầu từ đầu

My fingers stopped on the small post it note stuck on the back of the dress, I pulled it off and read the familiar handwriting:

From the very first time I saw you, I haven't been able to get you out of my head.

Just two simple sentences and my heart swooned, this man once told me he didn't do romance, it wasn't in his blood, he was wrong so very fucking wrong.

"You haven't checked the bottom," I looked up to her to find her pointing back in the direction of the wardrobe, with a huge grin on her face.

It wasn't long before I found another gift from the man himself, this time in the form of a shoe box. Also attached to the box was another post it note:

Even when you threw up on my brand new trainers.

I laughed out loud as I read, as soon as I pulled off the lid and examined the contents, I burst out crying, Lydia rushed to my side and threw her arms around me.

"Why the fuck are you crying?" She chuckled, "you're not thinking of leaving him are you?"

I wiped the tears with the sleeve of my shirt and took a deep breath, "I don't know," I shrugged.

"What the fuck?" She shouted, "I thought you guys were happy! Shit I don't think you should meet him tonight if you don't want to be with him, you know New Year's Eve and everything, don't want to ruin his night after he's just spent an absolute fortune on you, I mean I know he can afford it but.." I placed my hand over her mouth to silence her, she'd got the wrong end of the stick completely.

"I mean I don't know why I'm crying!" I admitted, she visibly relaxed. "I'm just overwhelmed, I'm so in love it's fucking sickening, I'm an emotional wreck Lyd, what the hell is wrong with me, I'm unstable!"

"Thank god for that! You had me scared then for a moment, look I don't want to push you further into your mental breakdown, but I do have to rush you, I have to leave in like 20 minutes and you look like shit." My mouth dropped open at her bluntness, as she clapped her hands together, "we need to get you ready now!"

Not many words were spoken for the next twenty minutes, as Lydia whizzed around and helped me get ready, she was a godsend. We styled my hair to hang loosely with a few low curls, and sparkly eye makeup, that coordinated perfectly with the dress. In no time I was ready, ready to start a new year with my favourite human.

Seriously I'm that in love I think I actually love him more than alcohol and that is truly something.

"And this is where I leave you," she smiled giving me one last once over, "be calm, remember to breathe and I'll see you later on." She winked.

"Am I not coming with you?" I asked, confused as to why she wasn't travelling with me, and why I was being left by myself.

"Your driver will be here soon." Was all she said before disappearing out the door, to be left alone with my own thoughts and upcoming mental breakdown, if I didn't see Hunter anytime soon.

I didn't know what to do with myself, I didn't want to touch anything, or sit down and get creases in my dress. Basically I didn't want to move, just so I could be assured nothing would happen to my outfit. There's only so long you can stand on one spot, and staring at the same four walls, so I decided to kill a couple of minutes by walking downstairs and waiting for my ride to arrive.

The Tequila Gang (completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ