Chapter Six ➰

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Tia's POV

After I managed to get over my initial shock of seeing him so soon after last night and managed to compose myself, I closed my mouth, stopped catching flies and invited him inside.

Honestly I felt so awkward, what made matters worse was Lydia's smirking face as I sat down beside her and offered Hunter to take the other chair, directly opposite me. She was watching my every move, loving my discomfort a little too much for my liking.

Truth be told, I didn't really want to invite him in, but I had no choice, he was holding my baby, if anything it was the best kind of ammo to have to gain entry to my home. Lydia was making me feel even more awkward as she bought up the events of last night, by thanking him for getting me home. She even had the nerve to offer him a slice of pizza. MY PIZZA.

Hunter wasn't very chatty with Lydia, in fact he barely spoke a word to her, just simple blunt answers whenever he had to, eventually she gave him a weird look and excused herself.

"Well Jarred just texted me, he needs help with something over there, so I'll leave you two lovebirds to it." I could of died there and then, she winked at me as she flaunted past. I've never wanted the ground to swallow me up so bad.

He probably needs help with his boner.

"Is she always that weird?" He was the first to break the silence after the door had closed. I'm glad he did, I didn't know how to even start a conversation with him. I was going over in my head how to confront the elephant in the room head on, I had to apologise in some way for my drunkern antics last night.

I laughed. "Yes actually she is. Let's just say she likes to embarrass me."

"Hmm." He tapped his chin. "I have a funny feeling you have no issue doing that for yourself." Ok we were going there, damn I wasn't the slightest bit prepared.

I could feel my cheeks heating up and all of a sudden I felt vulnerable and exposed. Now how did I deal with this? I should apologise right? Or I could just be really chilled over it and act really cool, like what I did was completely normal behaviour from me and that it wasn't a big deal.

"I'm sorry for throwing up over you!" I covered my face in shame. "I should of never gotten into such a state in the first place, I'll buy you some more shoes." It was the least I could do.

"Well obviously I expect you to buy me a new pair, I don't exactly plan on buying another pair for myself when I only just purchased the ones you so gracefully puked on. Why else do you think I'm here?" He stated seriously, those big blue eyes staring directly through me.

Oh shit he was seriously pissed.

I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he'd only come over here, to remind me of the tramp that I am, and that I was now in his debt.

I just hope my overdraft can stretch to a new pair of trainers, if not I'd be paying a visit to the bank of mum and dad.

"I'll totally buy you a new pair!" I told him,
I meant it I would, if the card didn't decline obviously. "And seriously sorry, I shouldn't of gotten myself into such a state."

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