Chapter Fifty Five: ➰

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Tia's POV

It had been 3 hours, 23 minutes and 8 seconds since I'd left the club and spoken to Hunter, not that I'm counting. The longer it was getting the more anxious I was becoming, but no matter how many times Lydia told me no news was good news, I just couldn't help the sickening feeling in my stomach that something had gone wrong.

What if they got caught?

I'd never be able to forgive myself. Abi insisted I was just over thinking everything and assured me even if they did bump into any police, they'd worm there way out of it they always do, still I was new to this, It's not everyday you murder someone.

And why is everyone so calm?

What if I turn into one of those crazed serial killers?

Bit far fetched I know, but I couldn't help all these ridiculous questions popping into my head as I sat there and waited. I hated waiting. I was the most impatient person ever.

"Drink this." Shane told me passing me a hot cup of tea. "It'll help with the shaking." Oh yeah I was still shaking like an idiot. I took the drink and took a small sip, it tasted a lot stronger than just tea. "Dash of whiskey!" He whispered patting my shoulder.

Shane had been brilliant with me since the moment I stepped foot into his house tonight, he knew all the right things to do and say, and in all honesty it was very comforting.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Everything's going to be ok Tia, you'll see. I know this is something you never expected to happen, but life is full of twist and turns. It doesn't make you any less of a person, and believe me you'll get through this, my son will make sure of that."

I looked up at Shane and nodded. He gave me a warm smile and encouraged me to drink my tea.

"We'll laugh about this come ten years time." Lydia said walking into the room with her hot drink. I glared in her direction, yeah be real fucking funny I'm sure.

'Hey kids! This one time I stabbed someone again and again and he died, isn't that funny?'

"Too soon?" She asked. I decided to ignore her comment but Abi had no issues telling her it wasn't the right time for jokes. Lydia's face dropped and I could see she felt awful. I overheard Shane reassuring her from the other side of the room.

"Sometimes Humour is what we need in difficult situations, never lose that Lydia." He did have a point I suppose, Lydia's personality was full of laughter and jokes and even in the worst of situations she still manages to crack a joke, maybe I needed to lighten up and stop beating myself up about it.

I didn't deserve for him to try and rape me, I had no control over that situation, and when it came down to it and I noticed that knife I had one decision me or him, I chose myself.

Does that really make me selfish?

Or just fucking human?

It was self defence. But we all know the police wouldn't see it like that, the police wouldn't care what he's done or what his intentions were , wasn't like I'd be able to spill any beans on the whole gang situation because then I risk putting Hunter and his family in the spot light. This way was the only way. I just felt awful that everyone else was having to do my dirty work for me.

Finally after another 20 minutes the front door opened and in stepped the three guys, I don't think I've ever moved so fast in my life, my legs managed to find a little strength because I was running into Hunter's arms at full speed. Catching him completely off guard and nearly knocking him off balance.

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