Chapter Twenty ➰

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Tia's POV

I awoke from what felt like the best sleep ever to the worst hangover in the world. Clutching my pounding head I attempted to open my eyes and sit up. Everything felt a little fuzzy this morning.

"Woah there." I heard a voice. His voice. "Take it easy!" When I finally opened my eyes I had to squint because of the brightness, Hunter jumped up and closed the curtains.

I was in his bed again.

Last thing I remember is us not being friends at all, so how the hell did I end up here?

I laid my head back on the pillow and rolled over onto my side so that I could face him, as he took a seat on a chair that was at the side of the bed. Jesus how much did I drink last night my whole body was aching. I glanced down at my arm and the strange thing that was attached to it.

I panicked. "Hunter why the fuck are there tubes coming from my skin." I started frantically patting the bed all around me, my breathing was erratic. Hunter placed his hand on mine and gave it a gentle squeeze, attempting to soothe me.

"Tia do you remember what happened last night?" He asked slowly, I calmed down slightly his hand was so soft it was actually very calming.

I took a moment to think, last night what happened last night? The party! Last I remember I was playing pool with Lucas then Hunter came over with Stacey.

Oh my god fucking Stacey!

Yet again I got frustrated and tried and failed to get up out of the bed.

"Little bitch! Wait till I get my fucking hands on her I'm gonna, I'm gonna." I paused. "Well I don't know what I'm going to do but it's going to involve violence!" I ranted, Stacey fucking Harrison, who does she think she is?

"She's been dealt with." Was all he said. I had a million questions surfacing in my brain which was not helping my current pain." I put a hand to my forehead and started massaging circles to help soothe it a little. Hunter studied me and immediately noticed I was in pain.

"Shit Jack said you may experience severe headaches, here take these." He handed me two rectangular white tablets and a glass of water. "It's just paracetamol." I gladly shoved the tablets into my mouth and swilled it down with the water.

"What the fuck did she put in my drink?" I asked. He looked panicked for a second but it was quickly covered up.

"I can't be certain, we'll have to wait for the blood results to come back later today." He told me.

"Oh did I go to the hospital last night then?" I asked, did he kidnap me from the hospital and not know how to disconnect me from these drips so he thought sod it we will steal them.

"Not quite. Let's just say the hospital came to you." Oh thank god we weren't depriving sick people with our stolen hospital equipment. "Jack who I mentioned earlier is a doctor, we got him straight out to you." I nodded slowly piecing all this information together.

"He is a legit doctor right? Like he's properly trained." I had to ask. Manchester could be a strange place.

"Do you really think I'd let some random person provide care for you when your healths at risk Tia? Jack is a brilliant doctor, fully trained he just don't work in a hospital or a doctors office or any place really." I looked at him strangely but he continued. "Let's just say he's a private doctor and he works just for those around him." That made no sense. "And I'd trust him with my life, he's family, cousins in fact."

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