Chapter Seventy One: ➰

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Tia's POV

He was dead. Shane was dead.

No matter how many times I reminded myself that it was real, it wouldn't sink in. We were slowly starting to realise that no matter how many tears we cried, it would never bring Shane back.

It had been two whole weeks since the incident, two whole weeks since Hunter had spoken, I hadn't even seen him properly. He'd locked himself away in his room, he hadn't slept, he hadn't eaten and he only left his room to go to bathroom and even then he just blanked us all and pretended we weren't even there.

I was running out of ideas to make him talk, and we were running low on the alcohol he was abusing each and every night. How do you console someone that's just lost their father? the only living parent he had in this world has been brutally taken away from him and in such an awful way, how do you fix that and make everything better for him? There was nothing any of us could say, to make things right again.

Two bullets, straight to the heart. Died almost instantly in his sons arms. An image Hunter's always going to have every time he thinks of his father.

It's a cruel world.

That wasn't even the worst part of the situation, it was more the fact that someone in that room that night had done it, and all they left behind was a stupid note. A note that had us all on edge. I shuddered just thinking about it.

Life had definitely taken a turn for the worst.

It read: you know how this works.. I lost my mother, you lost yours. I lost my father... you lose yours." It was sickening.

With Hunter not speaking, and rightly so. We were all on edge, we didn't have a clue what was coming next, and I think we were all doubting who we could and could not trust. We were paranoid as hell, and the person who was supposed to be leading this, was currently taking some time off, so Jarred was doing everything to keep us all safe and so Hunter could have his grieving time.

The only people who I was certain I could trust was the people in this apartment, Lydia, Jarred and Hunter. I wanted to trust Kyle, and as much as Jarred reassured me that Kyle was trustworthy, I couldn't help but question him just like I was doing with everyone else because truth was I barely knew him. Same goes for James, Sam, Mick and a bunch of the other guys I'd gotten to know over the past couple of months.

But the four of us? What could we do? Not like we were an indestructible army without everyone else.

The guys were really trying to push Hunter to make a decision, to retaliate. But what happens then? It's a viscous circle. Innocent people die and for what? Some silly family feud that goes years back. This has to end some way or another, I'd rather not drag it out for much longer it could be one of the four of us next, and that was something I couldn't bare to think about.

Luckily Sam had agreed that now wasn't the time, he was also having a tough time with his grieving wife, came to the conclusion that they both need to have their grieving time before any decisions were set in stone. I can only guess that they made up that night before all of this happened.

The funeral needed to be planned but none of us dared to mention it. Not something you can just drop into conversation. "Oh hey Hunter I know your sad but you really should think about what colour coffin you want." I point blank refused to have that talk with him. Not that it would work anyway, no matter how much I tried he wouldn't speak to me, not just me he wouldn't speak to anybody. And it was really starting to worry me.

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