Chapter Thirty Four ➰

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Waking up, the events from last night came flooding back, almost instantly. I was kind of hoping I was going to wake up to find out it was merely just a dream, but it wasn't it was was real.

And now I had to face reality. It sucks to be me right now.

My insides shuddered as I recalled the moment I was trapped in the bathroom with him, the way he had let his hands roam all over my body so carelessly, I remembered shouting no a hundred times over, trying too peel him off of me but he didn't budge, not even an inch.
Nothing could get him off him, I'd actually reached the point of giving up in that moment and letting him take what he wanted.

I suppose fear can do that to you.

No matter how much alcohol someone has consumed, it's still not ok to do that, and he definitely seemed to know what he was doing when he followed me into the toilets and locked the door. The worrying thing was it was something neither me or Hunter suspected, we were completely blindsided.

Thank god Hunter had found me.

I dread to think what could of happened if he had walked in 5 minutes later. I had no clue whether Lucas was dead or alive, if he was alive he was damn lucky, I remember catching sight of all the blood as we left. I couldn't shake that picture from my mind.

Seeing Hunter that angry scared me shitless, but it would be naive of me to think any different, this was his job this is what he does apart from last night he did it for me not for the business. And in some sick twisted way it made my chest feel all warm and fuzzy, that he could protect me like that.

I rolled over in bed to glance at the man in question, who had made a little bed for himself on the floor, I instantly felt awful for making him sleep on the floor in his own room, but he had insisted on doing so when we came back and I was way to tired to argue with him.

He was treading so carefully around me like I'd break at any second, truth was I was numb. Completely numb. The amount of times I've been alone with Lucas, let's be honest I had a lucky escape here.

To think I actually considered dating him at one point.

I gave Hunter a poke. His eyes shot open and he sat up quickly. "Are you ok?" He rushed out in a groggy voice. He looked so cute all sleepy and a little panicked.

"I'm fine thanks to you." I told him. "You didn't have to sleep on the floor Hunter, this is your room."

He jumped onto the bed pulling me over to him so my head was on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "I didn't want to intrude in your personal space." He started. "If you had said this last night you wouldn't have had to tell me twice I'd of jumped straight into bed with you." He smirked.

I was glad he was making jokes with me, that's exactly what I needed, normality not everyone tiptoeing around me frightened of how I'd react. Whats done is done, there was no changing it as much as we all probably wanted to.

"Ok now I'm glad you slept on the floor!" I laughed sticking my tongue out at him childishly.

Hunter pouted. "What will happen to him?" I had to ask, it had been bugging me every time I'd woken in the night. As much as I didn't mind Lucas being out of my life for good, it would surely bring back repercussions that none of us wanted to face.

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