Chapter Seven ➰

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Tia's POV

I was quite intrigued when we entered the gym,  to be honest I didn't even know Jarred had a job in all the time id known him, shows how much I pay attention. I just assumed he was some spoilt rich kid who had everything handed to him on a plate, how very wrong I was.

So what id learnt so far was Jarred had worked in the gym for over a year now as a personal trainer kind of thing, Hunter owned the gym so of course he got his best friend a job alongside him, maybe Hunter was a personal trainer too? If that's the case maybe I should hit the gym.

Schedule some work outs.

The gym itself wasn't anything special, it was located at the back of some industrial buildings and the structure itself, looked a little run down. Seemed like a very peculiar place to have a gym, especially at night I wouldn't want to hang around here in the dark, looks like the perfect murder scene.

Every single person who greeted us as we entered seemed to know exactly who Hunter and Jarred were, and bent over backwards to ensure we were looked after properly. The stench inside was disgusting, I couldn't quite explain it, if I was to express the scent I was smelling right now I'd define it as 'sweat and balls.'

I was hoping we'd get a full tour, maybe watch some hot guys work out, but no... Hunter and Jarred led us to an office, where we were told to sit quietly while they went off to do some kind of paperwork, and under no circumstances were we to talk to any of the clients.

Again strange. We aren't wild animals that need to be caged. And since when do me and Lydia abide by the rules?

This is me we're talking about, I got bored after the first ten minutes of being here. Lydia was pretty content playing candy crush on her phone, my mind was to focused on the vending machine I'd spotted in the reception area on our way in. It wouldn't hurt to just run out and grab something real quick surely? Anyway it wasn't my fault I was so hungry. I was pretty happy at home with my pizza until it got stolen.

I just wanted some smarties. I attempted to tell Lydia but I don't think she even acknowledged me she was to engrossed with her phone. So I stepped out real fast, and quickly walked back in the direction we'd came from, to locate that damn vending machine.

"Weren't you told to stay in the office?" startled by the voice I span round to see Lucas leaning up the wall behind me with a cigarette between his lips, he flicked it outside and walked over to me.

"I was." I agreed. "But someone ate my dinner and it wouldn't be right for me to starve myself."

He laughed, "Rebel." He whispered dramatically. I smiled politely as he walked beside me. "They're right you know, you shouldn't wander around here on your own."

"I'm not on my own though you're here." I shrugged placing some of my change into the machine and reaching down for my smarties,
Come to mama.

"Smart girl." Lucas joked, grabbing my snack for me and placing it into my hands.

Lucas was cool, I wouldn't quite say we were friends, more like a friend of a friend, that's how I'd define it. Sometimes he'd stare at me for long periods of time but other than that I liked him. His appearance was quite nice on the eye, he was tall dark and handsome, I wasn't afraid to admit he was fit.

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