Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Hazel looks back up at me with eyes as wide and sweet as a puppy. It damn near cracks my heart in two. "Of course!" I burst. "I never mean to make you feel like you were anything less, I swear."

Hazel smiles half-heartedly before her gaze falls to the floor. Why is it that the more I try to do this perfectly, the more I end up hurting the girl I'm doing this all for.

"Hazel," I say softly as I cup her face in my cold hands. "I promise, Hazel. I'm only trying to do this right."

Her eyes search mine for a moment before she lets out a sigh. "I know you are, I know. And honest, I don't mean to constantly gripe. I just don't want to make your life harder."

"You could never," I tell her.

"You say that now," she says with a self-deprecating laugh. Hazel wraps her arms around herself as she pulls away from my touch. I miss her instantly. "Friends?" she asks, her friendly smile returned.

It's strange, but the word tugs at something inside of me. I know that I love her, but I think part of the reason why I care so much for Hazel is that she feels like my best friend. I've never been able to talk so freely with someone like I have over these past few weeks. This week, especially. Laying beside her, telling her everything about my day, she made every stupid thought in my head seem interesting and important somehow. I think talking with her just might be one of my favorite things to do with her.

Oi, if Lou could hear me now, I cringe. He's a good mate, and so are the other lads, but I can't be my sappy self around them like I can with Hazel. 'Course, I wouldn't necessarily want to be, I mean what am I gonna do, talk to them about how everything looks prettier when I think of her?

I scoff loudly much to Hazel's surprise. I'd nearly forgotten her question.

"Sorry what?"

She stares curiously at me with the corners of her mouth pulled into a small smile. "Friends?"

"Of course," I say smiling back. "Friends."

With that, Hazel let's out a sigh of relief. She tucks her hands into her pockets and heads out into the crowd, turning ever so slightly to call back. "Come on, legs! Bet I can beat you at the ring toss!"

I stand there for a second mesmerized by her delicious smirk before I remember to move my feet. "That's a bold statement, Ms. Chapman," I say as her eyes twinkle with mischief. It takes everything in me not to kiss her wildly.

"I'm just saying," she taunts as she saunters backwards, "if you're nice, maybe I'll even win ya something." Hazel's mouth puckers to the side as she playfully bites her lower lip. My whole body becomes an anxious wreck with desire.

"You're a plucky little thing, aren't you?" 

Hazel's eyes fix forward, but with a little smirk she replies, "I wouldn't know a thing about it."

Hazel and I make our way through the crowds, laughing and simply enjoying each other's company. Even though I keep my hands tucked away in my coat and Hazel makes sure to keep a couple of feet between us, I feel as if I'm glued to her. It's just the two of us swimming in an ocean of unimportant faces and whirling lights. That is, of course, until an obnoxious uproar of hoots and hollers calls out to us.

"Oi, oi, oi!" Louis calls using his hands to make his calls even louder and more embarrassing.

"Harry!" a buzzed Liam calls. "You dirty scoundrel, you!" 

Niall and Louis both throw their heads back in laughter while Kitty and girls trail after them, each with a nasty pout on their faces.

Quickly swiveling to face Hazel, I rush, "I am so sorry." The lads aren't big drinkers, but heaven help me, if they start getting rowdy. I don't want Hazel thinking we're lowlifes.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now