"Is this a truce?"

He nodded, kissing her forehead. "He's my brother. I trust him but I trust you more."

He knew her loyalty was as great as his.

"He misses you and your friendship."

She pressed her lips to his in a final kiss. "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?"


"Well you are. Thank you for this." She scooped up a sweater on the way out. "I'll see you tonight then, my vampire boyfriend."

Deva spotted Lucian's leisure figure leaning against the wall in the empty hall. He invitingly held out his hand for her. She took it without a second's thought and he teleported. They were now in the middle of old stone buildings that towered for miles. In the far distance, at the end of the alley Deva saw pointed arches and tall majestic structures styled after French Gothic. Beautiful, colorful, and high clerestory Cathedral windows drew her attention and she presumably guessed where he had brought her.

"Paris?" She secretly crossed her fingers.

He led her through a small crowd of French speaking people and into a tiny café.

"This café has the best breakfast and the best view."

A pretty waitress with a French bun led them to the outside patio where she placed them at a small table overlooking the busy streets. It also had a romantic view of the Eiffel Tower. The woman began to speak French, completely losing Deva in the process. Lucian ordered. It was her opportunity to admire the once in lifetime scenery. She would never have thought in a million years that her eyes would lay on such a magnificent piece of art.

A moment later the woman left, but not without giving Lucian a flirty wink.

"The French seem friendly," Deva poked fun while lifting her napkin and placing it on her lap.

"Yes I suppose." Lucian studied her from across the table. It should have bothered her, but for some reason she let it slide, but something was definitely on his mind.

"I'm sorry Deva."

"For what exactly?" She needed details.

"My jealousy. Of course I knew you'd choose eventually. I just didn't expect you to choose him." His bitter confess and sorrowful expression eased her guilt. He was far too cocky. It was his father's fault for making him believe he was the golden child.

"Why, because he's not as perfect as you?" She could tell he was far from perfect.

The pressure from his father, the race to the throne, and constant build up was weighing on his shoulders. He only covered it well.

"I'm not perfect-"

"Oh I know. You did great at first. You opened up to me but in the back of my mind I knew you were pretending to be someone you're not." She raised her hand not quite finished. "Darius never covered up his darker parts. I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. You were the adulterated enigma."

Lucian had never heard this kind of raw opinion about himself before. Sadly he couldn't deny it. His darker parts were darker than Darius'.

"He's different since you've been together. It's like he's found himself." He seemed desperate to switch the focus to Darius.

"I guess that's what happiness does."

She couldn't have seen it before but jealousy and envy were Lucian's biggest flaws. He couldn't stand the fact that his brother had won her heart.

Royal Pain (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now