Arthurs P. O. V

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Arthurs P. O. V

"I'm so sorry..."

I whispered under my breath as I slowly walked out of the bedroom and softly shut the door. I heard Alex sigh softly, I shook my head and slowly retreated to my own bedroom that was at the other end of the hallway. I thought about the deal that I had made with Satan and I honestly didn't know if I could go through with it... So what just because I have some slight maybe not even there feelings for Alex doesn't mean that I like him.... It just means that I don't want to kill a harmless baby and possibly Alex in the process... I sighed why did I have to fall for Alex? Why did Satan hate him so much that he would want to kill his baby and I don't understand why I feel bad for kissing Alex... Man my life is really fucked up right now... I opened my bedroom door and sighed quietly, I might as well basically just call it a night and sleep...

~Dream/Night Terror~

I woke up in bed but I knew that something wasn't right. My room was utter black but it seemed liked the corners of the walls oozed a darkness far more dark than any other physical capability of this world. I sat up and was startled when Satan materialized up from the floorboards and pointed a long red finger at me. In a loud booming voice he commanded.

"Arthur if you don't do as we had agreed to you will forever be damned to the darkest pits of Hell where you will remain my slave."

I whimpered as his loud voice echoed off my walls and seemed to bounce off the walls of my brain. I looked down and nodded my head signaling him that I understood his warning loud and clear. He nodded his head in return and slowly melted back into the demon filled Underworld....

~End of Dream/Night Terror~

I awoke with a start. My body was drenched in a cold sweat. I looked around and saw that to my relief that there was no Satan at the end of my bed. I yawned and looked at my bed side table and saw that it was 3:21AM I rolled my eyes and thought to myself what a splendid way to wake up. I got out of bed slowly and walked over to the door. I wanted to make sure that Alex was okay... But there was one thing that stopped me from progressing on... When I had walked by the foot of the bed the spot that in my dream Satan had been standing was quite warm under my feet. It frightened me slightly but I knew that my priority was to look after Alex so I quickly

opened my door and quietly walked over to his room and my mouth dropped open.. On Alex's door painted in red letters stood a small message that would not leave my mind for awhile.



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