Dylan's P.O.V

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Dylan's P.O.V (A.K.A Master)

I sighed as I closed the door to the closet and left my toy in complete darkness. I secretly knew that he liked to be treated like shit because I used to be his lover...that was before I had found out that I was just a pawn in his fucking game. My hands started shaking and I clenched my fists to try to stop the anger from boiling over from inside me. I shook my head and went to lie on the bed; my life may seem like its amazing on the outside right well you're very wrong... My life has been one Hell of a rollercoaster. From the age of six I've been I'm and out of more foster homes than you could imagine. Every family that even attempted to adopt me got warned about my past. Ah yes my beautiful past we should talk about that a little bit...hmm but where to start is the hard part I must say... shall we start where I purposely burned down my house and watched my parents burn and laughed at their screams from the arms off a charred firefighter? Or should we talk about the first time I got to the adoption agency and I attempted to kill another kid with a sharp knife? But seriously my life is fucked up... so I bet you're wondering why I'm such a prick to Alex well let's see he was the first person I actually loved and I thought that he had the same feelings for me until one day I had walked in on him and his girlfriend making out on his bed... I was basically a pawn in his stupid game, I was used by him so he could get back at his stupid fucking parents

do you understand why I'm pissed now? Well I guess you're still wondering what's he's doing at my house in a dog cage well soon enough that will be answered...

I got up from the bed and walked over to the closet and put my ear against the door and I heard him quietly sobbing and wishing that he could go home. I opened the door and he jumped and cowered away in the farthest corner of his kennel and looked up at me fearfully.


He was shaking violently and holding onto my favourite shirt so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

''Yes M-Master?"

You could hear the terror radiating off of his voice and his body smelt of fear.

"Come to the front of the kennel now...''

He did as he was told but he kept avoiding my eyes which I found to be strange. From the light that was penetrating the darkness of the closet I could see that his body was battered and bruised almost from head to toe. I felt bad, and that's a strange and rare emotion for me to feel, so I unlocked the two padlocks that were securing the kennel closed.

"You may come out but you must bring the shirt that you are holding in your hand out with you.''

He hesitantly crawled out of the kennel with the shirt in his hand. He got to his feet and kept his head down but he held out his hands that had the shirt in it. I took the shirt from his hands and shook it out and pulled it over his head so that he was wearing it; he looked up at me confused and I felt another wave of guilt wave over me, why did I become a such a dick?


He asked softly.


"I just don't understand... Why the change of heart?"

I was taken back by what he said. Was it true that maybe I really had a change of heart...Was I falling in love with Alexander Whitecastle once again?

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