Alex's P. O. V

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Alex's P. O. V

I took the kind strangers hand and he helped me up. I shivered slightly and I was surprised when the stranger took off his coat and handed it to me. I smiled and put it on.

"Thank you....?"

He blushed slightly.

"Sorry my name is Arthur and yours is?"

I bit my lip slightly and whispered.


"What a beautiful name."

I blushed bright pink and he chuckled slightly. Next thing I knew he had grabbed my hand and was pulling me through the trees. I blushed more and than something slammed into my mind... Dylan. He would be so worried about me and what if he saw me holding hands with Arthur? I slipped my hand out of Arthur's and kept my head looking down to the ground as he kept on walking. Soon we came to a house that was hidden by the trees; I gasped as we neared the house. It was stunning... It was a two story house with pale brick stone that seemed to simmer in the rays of light that escaped through the branches of the evergreen trees. Arthur stopped walking and I almost bumped into him and that brought a small blush to my cheeks. He took a small black key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door. He pushed open the door and walked inside and I followed hesitantly.

"You have a beautiful house Arthur. "

He nodded slightly and began to take his boots off. I shrugged off the huge coat and waited until he was done with his boots to pass the coat over. I took a good look around the house and was surprised at the beauty of it. I gasped when I noticed my feet had begun to bleed on the beautiful dark hardwood floor.

"I'm so sorry Arthur but my um feet seem to be bleeding on your floor."

I bend my head and waited to get slapped. I flinched when a set of arms wrapped around me and hugged me gently.

"You don't have to worry anymore... Go find someplace to sit and I'll clean this up and than I'll bandage your feet okay Sweetie."

I nodded and Arthur pointed to the door and told me that the living room was just over there. I tried to walk but a pain shot through my entire body and I swayed. Arthur ran and caught me and picked me up bridal style. I blushed and hid my face in his chest, he carried me to a beautiful spiral staircase and began to climb up them with me still in his arms. He got to the top and I saw a long hallway with a door at the end of it. My heart began to thump faster and a small whimper escaped my lips.

"Don't worry Alex I'm just giving you a place to rest until I can attend to your wounds okay?"

I nodded and tried to slow my heart beat back to normal. He opened the door and walked into the dimly lit room and placed me onto the bed gently. I squeezed my eyes tight as the baby kicked my stomach hard. Arthur came closer to me and lifted my shirt a tiny bit and gasped.

"Oh my Satan you're farther along than I thought you were."

I looked up at him with huge shock filled eyes.


He looked down at me and rolled his eyes.

"Alex don't start I know that you're pregnant."

I sighed defeatedly and just laid back into the comfy bed as Arthur poked and prodded at my swollen stomach. Soon I found myself drifting off and the last thing I heard before the blackness swallowed me was.

"I'll be back soon sweetie..."

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