Dylan's P. O. V

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Dylan's P. O. V

My thoughts were zooming through my head and I couldn't make any sense of them. I sighed and paced around the kitchen and decided that I would make Alex some breakfast. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs and a package of bacon. Hopefully, this will tie over the tiny demon that was growing inside of him. I pulled out a frying pan and placed it on one of the two bigger burners and turned it on high. I grabbed the oil and splashed a tiny amount in the center and began to place the bacon stress into it; I turned around and opened one of the cupboards and pulled out a large mixing bowl and began to crack a couple eggs into it. I grabbed a fork and began to whisk them so I could turn them into scrambled eggs. I put the bowl down on the counter and grabbed out a smaller frying pan and placed it on the smaller burner and turned it on. I grabbed the fork I had used to whisk the eggs and began to flip over the now spritzing and sizzling bacon. The aroma that had started to fill the kitchen smelt amazing and I had a feeling and minute now Alex was going to come rushing into the kitchen demanding food. Speaking of the devil (haha see what I did there c;) Alex came bounding into the room and boy did he look hungry.


Alex basically screamed right beside me. I raised my eyebrows and poured the whisked eggs into the now heated smaller pan and began moving them around with the fork. Alex began bouncing up and down and I had to admit that seeing him this happy over food was pretty adorable.

"Go sit at the table before you hurt yourself Mr."

He whined but did as I asked and soon enough I was reaching for a plate and placing the eggs and bacon stripes onto it and putting the plate in front of a very hungry-looking boy. I smiled a real smile and turned the burners off and took a seat across from Alex and watched him as he shoved the hot food into his mouth and swallowed it. I yawned and placed my head on the table, ugh this not sleeping properly thing was messing with both my head and my body. I closed my eyes and soon enough the dream world had swallowed me whole...

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