Alex's P. O. V

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Alex's P. O. V

As soon as Dylan left the room I stopped pretending to be asleep and sat up on the bed. I let all the tears and emotions that I had been holding in just quietly explode from inside me. I let the tears carelessly fall from my eyes and for once in a long time I didn't care who saw me cry it felt good to feel like a person again and be able to cry. I put my hands on my stomach and I was shocked when the bump had rapidly grown. When I had found out I was pregnant I was only maybe about two months but now my stomach was like big enough to be like six months pregnant. I was worried I had my fair share of pregnancy knowledge from my older sister Melissa and I knew just over night you weren't supposed to grow this much... I held onto my stomach and whispered softly.

"It's not fair that I'm going to bring you into this horrible world. I'm sorry that I'm going to be a horrible dad but I promise little one that I will try my hardest to keep you safe from any harm that will come your way."

After that, I kissed my left hand and placed it on my stomach. I gasped when I felt a small kick right on my hand and my eyes became all teary again. Just as I was about to lay down for real Dylan walked in and looked at me with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"What's wrong?"

I asked him softly.

"I heard you crying and I was worried that something I had done upset you."

I shook my head and sighed lightly.

"I'm worried about her... Babies shouldn't grow this fast it's not normal and it's hurting my body... A lot."

He bit his lip and opened his mouth slightly like he wanted to tell me something but then he shut it and looked down at the floor.

"Maybe our child is a special circumstance and is just different..."

His voice sounded distant almost like he was distracted by something.

"I just don't want to lose her... Sometimes I feel so weak like she's draining my body of my very life essence."

I bit my lip and looked at him frightened because of what I had just said. He looked up at me and I could have sworn for half a millisecond there was a bright redness to his eyes but as quick as it came it disappeared again.

"What did you say?"

I started shaking lightly.

"I um said sometimes it feels like she's draining my energy..."

He growled under his breath and walked out of the room slamming the door loudly behind him. I curled up my hands around my stomach... This was not going to be a fun few months.

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