Mystery Persons P. O. V

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Mystery persons P. O. V

I sat perched in my tree. My eyes were vigilant and always alert. I was waiting for my prey to innocently walk across my path and than I could strike and I'd have a perfect kill. My attention jerked to the base of a nearby tree when a young teenage boy with a mildly swollen stomach crumbled underneath it and broke down sobbing. I was stunned to see this young boy still alive considering the dangers that live in Hangman's Forest. I watched and he placed his hands on his stomach and started to whisper things. I stood up silently and made my way onto a nearby branch that was slightly lower but still covered me from any unwelcome guests. He began whimpering and a thought crossed my mind... Maybe if I act like a concerned person than I could gain his trust and I could take him home for my own sick and twisted pleasure/torture filled ways. I smirked and jumped off of the 12 foot high branch and landed gracefully in front of the boy. He looked at me with huge terrified eyes and his face instantly paled. He whimpered,

"W-what do you want?"

I looked at him and concern concealed my real intentions.

"Well I was watching the wildlife from my perch in the trees when I saw you and you looked like you could use and good hot meal and a nice warm bed to sleep in so I thought I could offer you a nice place to stay and in the morning I can drive you home."

I tried to sound as concerned and as innocent as I could without trying to sound fake.

"I..I guess I could use a place to stay the night."

He still sounded slightly frightened but his face was returning to a natural shade again and he went to stand up but fell back to the ground. His face contorted in pain as his hands flew to his stomach and he whimpered in worry.

"Are you okay?"

I asked real concern for him littered my voice. He looked up at me frightened and nodded his head; I held my hand out to him

and help him up slowly his stomach was much more noticeable now and I instantly knew what was wrong with him...

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