Destiny's P.O.V

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I can't believe that they were just going to let me think that Arthur was my real dad I'm just so mad! I mean I've known for sometime that he wasn't my real dad; I just had this very strange feeling when he was around and even though I acted like a normal kid around him there's something different about me. I mean when I get angry I seem to be able to sense what the other people around me are feeling and I can get glimpse into their mind. I just wish that I was a normal kid that wasn't a freak.

I just kept running I had no idea where I was going and I honestly didn't really care as long as I got away from those two liars. I slowed down and felt my heart pound against my ribcage it was like a frightened bird trying to escape a small cage. I looked around and whimpered softly it was starting to get darker and I was lost in the middle of the woods with out any food or water and I don't think there's a house anywhere close by. I walked a couple more feet and looked around in the dimming light and out of the corner of my eyes I thought I saw a shadow, the shadow wasn't just a normal shadow this shadow was in the shape of a human and it seemed to be getting closer slowly and I thought I could here it whispering...

"Little girrrl... little girl please don't be afraid..."

I whimpered even more and began to run in the opposite direction of the spirit. I still heard the voice and I ran even harder and didn't dare look behind me. I screamed as I tripped over a large tree root and fell straight down on my back having the wind knocked out of me and leaving me gasping for air. Suddenly I felt the air around me go completely still and ice cold and when I opened my eyes I noticed that the shadow figure was standing above me with its long shadowy arm out stretched as if it wanted to help me up. I looked around and to my dismay there was no other way to escape.

"What do you want from me?"

I whispered softly, the spirit now that it was closer to me actually had some features and I noticed that the shadow boy couldn't have been much older than I was now... I'm 14... I sat up and looked at him in wonder.

"What happened to you?"

I asked out of curiosity, he looked at me with very sad hazel eyes and floated down beside me and began to tell me his story...

"My name is Damen Young and I'm 16 years old. I fell in love one day with the man of my dreams but he turned out to be Satan's son and he tried to get me pregnant with his child... Unfortunately it seems that Satan had gotten a hold of me before I could deliver the baby and kept making me have miscarriages. Eventually Dylan started getting mad and abusing me because he thought that I was purposely making myself lose the babies which I of course would never do... One night though Dylan took it too far and he beat me to death and now I'm stuck wandering these woods were my body was buried under some long forgotten trees by a cabin."

I stared at the poor boy in shock and curiosity had taken a hold of me again. I bit my lip and wondered if I should tell him about my two dads... Maybe he could help me find my other dad!! But suddenly another thought popped in my head... what if he got angry at me because I had survived and non of his children had... I looked at him and a worried expression crossed my face. I closed my eyes for a moment and I felt something cold brush against my lips. I gasped and opened my eyes and saw Damen right in front of me a ghostly blush across his pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry its just you're so beautiful and I just couldn't control myself and please don't hate me..."

I leaned forward and softly kissed him again and this time I felt something deep down inside of me change.. I felt whole and like nothing in this world could defeat me. I felt Damen's cold hands find their way to my small waist and hold me as good as he could for a ghost. I pulled away and looked down feeling the warmth of my cheeks radiating throughout my whole entire body. I giggled and looked up at Damen and noticed a sad look in his eyes, tilted my head side ways in a questioning way and wondered why he looked so sad after sharing my first kiss with him.

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