Dean pushed away from the balcony and stared at the only open glass doors. “Have you been inside there?”

Jackie frowned. “Orange Gallery?”

He nodded.

“No, not really.”

She saw him take a deep breath and say, “Orange Gallery it is.” He walked ahead and then stopped when he noticed she was still rooted in her spot. “Coming?”

“Ah, yes, of course. Orange Gallery it is!”


So I was talking to Tata about Troy and his unfortunate fate that night when he had to be dragged out of Art by his friends when I saw Karen.

What is she doing here?!

I knew Jackie would be in trouble if Karen as much as saw her with Dean Gamboa doing whatever she was planning to do tonight with that man. Things might look good for her plan to get rid of Brian, but it might also make things complicated. And plus, Dean Gamboa was keeping this side of him a secret. What if he would be found out and he would blame Jackie girl?

Not good, not good.

Tata asked why I was in a panic mode and I told her the little details she didn’t know. It was not like she would tell others, right? If she did, not a single human would understand anyway.

I was in the middle of telling her about how I thought Jackie was going crazy when I saw it again. The black BMW. Same plate number as the one I saw parking outside the boys’ apartment.

I had the weirdest feeling that it was not going to be the last time I’d spot it. I still couldn’t see who the driver was. It parked far away and stayed in the darkness. The driver did not go out.

Hey, Tata, you know that BMW?

Tata said she didn’t and asked why I was asking.

Nothing, I think I just think that vic’s cute, I lied. Yeah, of course, I could lie as well. What? You think we can’t? We learn from our owners!


“I can’t believe I never dared enter this place before,” Jackie said with awe. The Orange Gallery was not a big one, but it was a cool rectangular room with different artworks on the walls.

Jackie was walking along the right wall and Dean at the opposite side. They were the only visitors around.

“Me too,” he said, staring at the abstract painting before him. They slowly made their way to the end of the room where a glass wall overlooking the main road below stood.

“It’s drizzling,” Jackie commented with a smile, looking at the tiny drops of water blown by the wind outside.

“It would be a good night if I am home,” Dean said, walking closer to stand beside her.

She smiled and looked at him. “I can picture you in a rainy day, reading a book and listening to music.”

 A small smile appeared on his lips. “I gather you can’t often imagine others doing the same thing.”

Jackie thought about it for a few seconds. “Yes, maybe. But mostly it is because I’d like to believe that men could stay and feel at home for a long time. Most of them get restless, you know.”

“And you think I can stay and feel at home for a long time in a rainy day?”

She nodded. “Can you?”

It was his turn to think for a while before answering, “Yes, of course. Nothing beats a quiet afternoon with a good book.”

“And the rain.”

Toto and the Boys I: JackieNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ