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jacob woke up the next day, his head resting atop troye's, and his arm still underneath the younger boy's head.

"eww," he groans quietly to himself as he pulls him arm out from underneath troye, only to discover that his arm was covered in troye's drool.

troye squirmed against the sheets, his tiny fist crumpling up the soft material. jacob crawled over troye, nearly falling over the edge of the bed as he attempted to climb off of it.

jacob fanned his shirt out, suddenly realizing how much he was sweating. why was he--?

was it because he was sleeping with troye?

no. that can't be it.

"kid, wake up," jacob sighed out, noticing how this was the first time he'd ever woken up before troye.  "j-jacob-" troye whispered sleepily. "come back here..." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes blearily.

"no," jacob snapped. "do you have a bath or anything around here?"

troye shook his head, rolling back over onto his side. "we have a-" he yawned- "-a river somewhere around here, that's just what i always use."

"oh, that's great," jacob grumbled. "i don't even have any clothes to change into."

troye just shrugged.

"aren't you helpful," jacob grumbled, starting to climb down the ladder.

"you can borrow some of my clothes," troye called out from the treehouse, and a few moments later, some clothes flew down from the doorway and crumbled onto the grass beneath him. "thanks. a lot," jacob groaned sarcastically, gathering the clothes up once he got to the ground.

"these better fucking fit!" he called out, looking up at the small room above his head, but troye didn't answer.

the rest of jacob's gang stared at each other in confusion, wondering when jacob would talk to them again. not anytime soon, apparently.

jacob mumbled curse words under his breath as he started walking through the dark forest, troye's clothes in his hand. "fucking idiot couldn't even tell me where this damn river is," he sighed, pausing a moment and looking around. no river was in sight.

"the river's over there."

jacob jumped, spinning around on his heel to see the troye lookalike standing behind him, a gentle smirk on it's face as it pointed to some area in the distance.

"uh, thanks?" jacob mumbled, backing up slightly.

"no problem," it purred.

there was a moment of silence before the thing whispered,

"can i watch?"

"what?!" jacob sputtered, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping at the lookalike's words.

"can i watch you take a bath, silly," it giggled, it's black eyes crinkling around the edges as it smiled.

jacob stood there for a moment, his mouth hanging open stupidly as he tried to think of the right words to say.

"please?" it pouted, sticking out its lower lip pleadingly.


he got silence in return.

"i-i mean- wouldn't the um, other jacob mind?"

"oh, no," 'troye' chuckled. "he wants you as bad as i do-"

"as bad as troye does."

jacob couldn't seem to think of the right words to say. the lookalike just smiled, before turning around and starting to walk in the opposite direction.

"wait!" jacob called out. "what do you mean by that?"

he didn't get a reply. 'troye' just kept walking until it disappeared into the distance.

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