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"this is your house?!" jacob scoffed. they'd walked fifteen too long minutes, just to see a treehouse come into their view.

troye grinned proudly. "yup! it's been mine for three years now."

"where did you live before here, then?" connor chuckled sarcastically, his annoyance for troye only increasing.

"with my parents. just like anyone else," troye explained, shrugging.

"oh! so you ran away?" hari suggested, and troye turned around to stare at her with yet another confused look.

"no, i didn't."

there was silence after that. the trees rustling in the wind was the only sound to mask the awkward silence between everyone. troye helped jacob climb the short wooden ladder that lead up to the oversized treehouse.

jacob let out a gasp of relief when he was finally at the top, his vision going blurry again and he felt more and more lightheaded.

troye patted his back before walked across the treehouse to the other end of it, where a small cot-like bed was positioned.

"c'mon, if i'm going to take that bullet out, you're going to have to be unconscious," troye explained as the older boy stumbled towards the bed, flopping himself down on it with a large sigh. the rest of the group followed behind jacob soon after, all of them having trouble cramming themselves into the treehouse.

troye started rummaging through some cabinets that were located overtop of a sink that had... flowers growing out of it?

"all i have is some pretty strong alcohol... just drink some of this and you'll be out like a light," troye handed jacob a small bottle of some purple liquid.

"really? you expect me to drink some sort of strange liquid from some kid i don't know? you're out of your mind," jacob snapped, sitting up on the bed.

troye just shoved jacob back down so he was laying again. "well, you can always leave if you want. get an infection and die, see if i care."

"but we'll still see each other again," troye added.

jacob shut up and grabbed the bottle from troye's hand, taking the cork out of it and downing the whole thing. it stung his throat and didn't taste good at all.

then everything went black.

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