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"what's got you all riled up?" troye chuckled as he saw jacob run into the treehouse, his eyes wide with fear.

"i-" jacob started to say, but cut himself off, at a loss for words.

"i.. went for a walk.... and someone was following me and i thought it was you, it sounded like you but when we got into the light-"

jacob cut himself off yet again, his chest heaving as he attempted to catch his breath.

"oh, so you saw my lookalike?" troye shook his head, an almost amused look on his face.

troye's lack of concern somehow made jacob even more disturbed. "but- there was one that looked like me, too!"

"yeah, that one just kind of showed up the day after you first came here. don't worry, they're not mean, they won't hurt you. they just enjoy teasing you a bit, is all," troye said calmly, going about fixing something on the stove.

"w-where did they come from? what are they?!" jacob gasped out as he sat down on the bed, not taking his eyes off the doorway of the treehouse, as if he thought they had followed him.

troye turned around to give him a serious stare. "jacob, have you ever heard of that theory where- people say there's different dimensions with different versions of yourself, that look the same, only something's slightly different?"

jacob nodded slowly, not catching on to what troye was trying to say.

"well, that's exactly where they came from. you see, jacob, everything you've read in fairytales- about monsters, demons, and pixies? well, the all exist- they just live in these woods."

jacob scoffed, thinking troye was joking.

he wasn't.

"where- where are we, troye?" jacob asked yet again.

"you'll find that out soon enough," troye said simply, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go inform the council you're here. i don't think they're gonna be too happy about that," troye sighed, heading over to the treehouse entrance.

jacob waved weakly, slumping back in the bed.

what is this place?

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