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"more importantly, who are you?" jacob grumbled, expecting the boy to look intimidated like most, but he didn't.

"'asked you first," the boy mumbled childishly, his arms still crossed.

"i'm the tooth fairy," jacob chuckled sarcastically. "now who are you?"

"i'm troye, and you're not the tooth fairy. i know her, she's very nice."

the group scoffed at how childish 'troye' was.

"how old are you, kid?" jacob questioned, but scrunched his face up in pain and sunk back down the tree when another wave of pain finally hit him.

troye looked between the rest of the group oddly. "what... happened to him?" troye approached jacob cautiously, almost as if he may bite him or something of the sort.

"he's been shot," hari mumbled, looking as if she was going to pounce on the poor boy if he took another step closer to their leader.

troye's eyes went wide, just as jacob expected. "shot?"

"that's what she said, brainless," jacob managed to get out, an evil sneer crossing his face.

jacob, however, seemed disappointed when he noticed his words had no effect on the young boy.

"does it hurt?" troye put his hand gently on the arm that had been shot. jacob flinched away.

"yes, it fucking hurts! i've just been shot, don't you think that would hurt?"

troye blinked, almost as if he was faking stupidity. "i don't know; i'll get back to you on that one when i get shot."

the gang chuckled, seeing that jacob had some competition for his constant sarcasm.

"i can help you, though. i'm sort of a doctor. but that's a bit odd that it hurts.." troye mumbled, grabbing jacob's arm gently once more and peeling back the makeshift sling slightly to see how bad the injury was.

"why shouldn't it hurt?! it's a bullet wound!"

troye gave him a odd look.

"more like, why should it hurt?"

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