" I don't care."

Just watching him made me bite into my bottom lip. The movement was unconcious,  but it still made him shake his head. He just looked so amazing to me. His week away had done nothing but allow for me to appreciate his presence even more.

" stop." Seems like he was always saying that to me.

" I thought we were past the part where you try and make me pretend like I don't like you."

" we are, but we damn sure not at the part where you give me these 'come fuck me' looks either. So stop it."

" I wasn't." I protested softly, but really there was no use in denying it. I wasn't trying to jump on him or anything but I couldn't help that my hormones were going crazy.

" can I come in?"

At that question, I remembered that Raina was in my bedroom. Like I said, Raina and I had been good friends since middle school but I damn sure wasn't ready to break the news that I was trying to start dating Symonee's father. Not only would that put her in an awkward position, because she and Symonee were friends as well, but it was just far too soon. Tyrone and I had still yet to talk.

" shit, can you hide in the kitchen while I get rid of Raina?"

" what is she doing here?"

" we were about to go out." I said, pulling him inside and closing the door.

" oh, you can go out. I'll come by tomorrow or something."

" no! I want to talk to you now. Hide in the kitchen while I get rid of her, okay?" He shrugged, and even though I could tell he wasn't really down for it, he started to pull off his shoes as a signal that he was staying. " thank you."

I turned to walk away.

" Put on some clothes while you back there. I can't think straight with you half naked."

My smile was a permanent fixture on my face as I went back to my bedroom. Just as I had expected, Raina had pulled up her dress and was trying on a pair of my jeans. They still had the tag hanging off of them which wasn't that big of a surprise. I'd only bought them a few days earlier.

" You don't even have to ask. You can have them since you've already put your ol' nasty ass in them."

" oh, girl, don't act like we didn't used to share clothes."

I chuckled at the thought. " when we were in highschool, yeah!"

" well just pretend we're back in high school because you have all the nice shit." She spun around, striking a pose. " how does my ass look?"

" it looks fine. Anyway, I can't go out with you tonight."

She rolled her eyes, pulling the jeans off and folding them back up. " I saw this shit coming. I guess you just too good to hang out with me anymore, right?"

" if that was true you wouldn't be in my house stealing my fucking clothes right now. I'm just not feeling up to going to the club anymore. "

Raina readjusted her clothes. " well, tell whoever he is that I said hi."

" what are you talking about?"

" bitch, don't even try to play dumb! You love going out and dancing on tables just as much as I do. The only thing that would keep you from that is good dick."

" well seeing as how we haven't had sex yet-"

She screeched in excitement. " it is a new man! Who is it?"

Book 2 [ The Untitled Series ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz