"Whattie?" I said softly.

He giggled before taking my glass of water and putting it on the counter. He sat down before saying "You might have to stay inside in the dark for a while."

"No I don't!" I said a bit excited. "I can wear sunglasses!"

He laughed before he went back at it with the kisses.

Josh's P.O.V.


I was really into the interview since Tyler looked like crap a bit, and I had to lighten him up with the little boost of energy of hanging out. He didn't really take it for granted when I said that to him, and he wore sunglasses during the interview.

"So..." the interview host who was pretty short for a guy. Then again, it's not so bad for me.

"How's been the tour handling you two? I heard a lot of stuff happened in New York with introducing Josh's new girlfriend."

That word, new, stuck out to me a whole lot, and I could tell I made a face when he said that.

"Uh..." "Well..." Tyler and I said in unison before I let him talk.

"No, no, you're the boy to date Violet," he said. "Her name's Violet, by the way."

"Oh, I know," the interview host said. "People been talking about her since then."

I sighed before saying "Well, she's been a whole lot to me. She makes me feel happy about everything else happening in the tour, and she makes me complete. It's like whenever I see her, it's like a miracle to know her, you know?"

Tyler snickered a bit before I hit him and said "Don't judge me! I know how you were with Jenna, so why can't I be honest with how I feel about Violet?"

"Maybe Violet thought you were some guy just playing drums right next door to you," Tyler said through laughter.

My hands touched my hair to move, and the interview host chuckled a bit before I saw Violet in the background when I laid eyes on her. She looked quite pretty from a view.

"Oh, there she is now!" the host said having the cameraman point to her.

Violet got concerned a bit before faking a smile with fear to say "Hiii..."

The camera turned back to Tyler and I to ALSO fake being happy to see them. I was just concerned to see if Violet was okay since she's not the best with people in general, or anything that makes her uncomfortable.

Once the interview was over, I went over quickly to Violet, who was seemed quiet with Jenna being on her phone.

"You okay?" I said hugging her. "You looked a bit scared when the camera got onto you."

Violet brushed her hair to the side before saying "I'm fine... It's just that I'm still thinking about the fans that might say stuff to me in Iowa..."

"Hey," Tyler said. "If they mess with you, we mess with them. HARD."

She giggled before saying "Thanks, Ty. I appreciate it. But my friend, Onya, one who went with me to the concert in California and I got knocked out? She's taking me out to hang since I haven't seen her."

"Oooh, what's she like?" Jenna asked Violet. Looked like she wanted to make some friends already, and she sighed before trying to use the right words to describe her.

"She's basically a fan of them, and really likes to listen to music whenever she's bored. Um, she's more adventurous, happy, and whatever makes her feel comfortable," Vi said in the best of my ability.

Jenna nodded before I added "She even knows you, too. She even told me that she'd be eager to hang out with you."

Jenna looked shocked before Tyler said "That's good! A girl's hangout while I hang with Joshie."

"Perfect!" Vi said happy. "That is perfect for the two of you."

Jenna and Vi left before we exchanged kisses with Violet and mine taking a little longer before Tyler tapped my shoulder before I let go of Violet and she waved at me to go with Jenna.

"They will make memories as best friends," Tyler said nudging me. "Let's go eat something."

I went with him before saying "You know that one video we saw..."

Violet's P.O.V.

That's when as soon as I got a text from Onya, she replied with something life changing...

Onya🦋: Vi... there's someone in my house...

come here as quick as possible



this one was ending abruptly💯


I'mma make the next one with a crystal finish since more happening mixed with the love for Josh and Violet 🤗❤️



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