"Can I help?" I heard Josh say from the door frame. "Pwease?"

I giggled before nodding and taking out the mix and having Josh take out the bowls.

"Okay, we're gonna need twos eggs and a cup of milk," I said. "Then we got to mix and use the little stove to flip them.

Josh nodded before opening the egg carton and cracking the eggs in the bowl before I added the mix. "Oh, all right... You never cooked?"

He shook his head in misery, and I kissed him before implying "That's okay... At least you got me, along with all the bread knowledge from the bakery. Donuts, rolls, and all that good stuff."

"Goodie," he said hugging behind from me while I mixed the eggs and pancake mix before slowly adding the milk.

I could tell he was really wanting food, so I teased him with me licking the flask and raised my eyebrows before he laughed and kissed me immediately.

He lifted me off the ground and rested me on the counter to keep going at it while I felt his kisses go on my neck. He was really into it right now, and I could feel the tension going up and up before I saw Tyler rubbing his eyes.

"Oh my god...!" he said sorta loud.

Josh stopped in his trails and looked before Tyler said "Can you two get a room instead of not leaving the pancake mix all willy nilly?"

"We were just..." Josh and I said but didn't finish before Tyler sighed and walked out of the room.

My eyes looked at Josh's to see him smiling and he planted one more on my cheek before he said "I'mma go and talk to him."

I nodded before he took off and went down the hallway before I got off the counter and mixed the mix more better.

Josh's P.O.V.

I caught up with Tyler before he closed the door when I pushed it to see him a little confused at first. "What up?"

"Look, I'm sorry to have you see all this free action and you getting mad about it," I lectured. "I didn't know you had feelings to when I'm enjoying my time."

He seemed a little mad, but he shrugged it off. "It's whatevs, man. I know you two love each other like how I love Jenna."

She was still sleeping, and he added "I'mma have to ask you to go before she wakes up and sees us talking like last time she got mad at me for not telling her the little surprise birthday."

I nodded before taking off to see Violet putting the mix on the pan and resting it next to her before she checked her phone before seeing me.

"Oi, that was quick," she said smiling.

"Yep." I went right back to hugging her from behind while she smiled and took a photo of us.


"You sure you got everything ready?" Chris asked me. "This all got to happen tonight only, and nothing more tomorrow because you and Tyler got to be up early for another interview."

I sighed before Tyler put his arm around me to say "We'll be there even earlier than you can say 'What the hell took you so long?!'"

Chris faked a laugh before heading out to have me and Tyler finish the remains of the party set up.

This little party was just something, and we needed to get all the friends and whatnot other people to refresh the faces of having some fun. It was perfect to see old faces again, and I looked at my phone to see a text from Violet.

Violet💜💕: heyyy, we gots the cups❤️

be back in a bit xo

I texted her back quick with:

okay, luv u much xoxo❤️❤️

I put my phone away with Tyler putting stuff in the room and I helped out with his situation.

"All right, we got much of everything!" Tyler said excitedly. "We just need the snacks and little decorations before we get official."

I looked at him and said "You mean...? This friendship's taking to another level?"

Tyler hit me before saying "No, doofus. I'm married, and you're dating a girl you can't wait to marry, huh?"

My eyes peered off somewhere else with Tyler saying "Uh huh... You want to marry her, don't you?"

Judging from his concern, I looked down and nodded quickly.

He hugged me before saying "Good for you, man. I hope we all can enjoy the little stuff coming in the future."

My lips locked together before nodding again and he took off to the bathroom before I moved my hair out of the way and rested my hands on my head.

Violet's P.O.V.


It was already going loud, and I can tell there was a lot of people enjoying themselves to the point of screaming and jamming to the point of passing out.

Well, there was a few people like that...

With the crowds getting all together to dance and talk, I squeezed between people to see where Josh was at. It was hard for me since my height was only seeing shoulders and whatnot.

I gave up and went to my room to close the door and brush past to the bathroom to see few people making out in there, and I slammed the door before getting blood rush to my head.

Oi, so much stuff happening...

The door opened and appeared Josh, looking concerned. "Hey! There you are!" he said hugging me. "I was trying to find you..."

"Yeah, same thing too..." I said sitting down on the bed. "Some people are making out in the bathroom, by the way."

Josh's face lit up, and he nodded before holding my hands and said "I really want you to know I love you."

I laughed before saying "Okay...? Did the Josh I know get somewhere else in your head or...?"

He didn't laugh when I said that, and I looked down a bit concerned before he met eyes with me to say "Look, I'm just saying I love you, okay? I've been really happy to see you being who you are..."

My face blushed before I added "I haven't shown you something though... I've been keeping it a secret."

He looked really eager to know, but he kept trying to get closer to me before I hit my back at the end of the bed to have him completely over me facing me.

I sighed and went over by the dresser and took out my little drawing pad.

I handed it to him to have him be in jaw-drop form throughout the drawings, and kept gasping through each one.

"You drew each one?!" he shouted in disbelief. "I..."

"Yep. All those drawings are from me..." I said softly.

He looked at me and back at the drawing of him I drew, and he held it by his face to say "This looks exactly like me!"

I laughed before nodding and he closed it before saying "You got a talent there, miss."

"Aww, it's nothing..." I said putting the drawing book back. "It's not a big deal."

"UM, it is a BIG deal!" Josh said coming over to me. "Have you been blind about your own art?"

I shrugged, leading him to laugh a bit and kiss me gently before nudging me to come with him out to the party.

I sighed and said "Okay..."

He held my hand and picked me up for a piggy back ride and opened the door to lead through the crowded people having fun.

𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺 || 𝚓.𝚍.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora