Chapter Eleven (Part Two)

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    "Bye, guys! I love you!" Gabe yells from Spencer's car when they're leaving my house. I roll my eyes.

"We love you too, Gabe!" I yell, and he beams, waving until he can't see us anymore. He is honestly a child, but I don't have the heart to be mean to him. He'd probably cry. Before he got in the car, he whispered, "I hope Ryan gives you some birthday sex, Brenny." Brenny? Really?

"Thank God, they're gone," I let out a long sigh as Ryan and I walk back up to my room. My mom is at work, so we're all alone. Perfect.

"I'm sorry for ruining your birthday," Ryan says quietly when he sits on my bed.

"Ruining my birthday? What are you talking about?" I ask. He could never ruin anything for me. Plus, he got me a gift card to the mall, and we're going shopping tomorrow. He's awesome.

"At dinner, when I yelled at that waitress." He thinks that ruined things for me?

"Ryan, I'm glad you did that. I thought it was really sweet. Not only the fact that you were jealous, but also because you told her I wasn't a piece of meat for her to look at," I laugh, and he smiles sheepishly. "That was my favorite part, because you know what that tells me?" He looks at me. "That tells me that you respect me. And respect is an important thing." I feel kind of cheesy saying that, but it's true. He slowly smiles at me.

"Yeah? So you aren't mad?" he asks in a small voice. I scoff.

"No, of course not. I thought you were being an amazing boyfriend."

"Oh," he replies. I nod and lean in to kiss him. He lies back on the bed and pulls me down with him, sighing into the kiss. He slides his hands underneath my shirt and runs his hands over my back. He pulls back from the kiss and chews on his lip.

"Um," he says awkwardly. "I have another present for you, although I'm pretty sure you already know what it is," he smiles. I just sit back and wait while he rummages through his bag on the floor next to the bed. He brings out a small paper bag and tosses it at me. I pick it up and dump it out, a box of condoms and a small bottle of lube falling out. He looks away, his cheeks pink. "We don't have to," he rushes out. "I just thought, y'know, if you want..."

"I want," I say quickly. He looks at me and smiles again. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you earlier, you look absolutely perfect today."

"Yeah? I tried to dress up for you," he says. My heart melts into a pile of goo and falls into my stomach.

"You always look perfect, you just look extra-perfect tonight," I laugh, kissing him.

"Why are you so sweet to me?" he asks softly.

"Because you deserve it," I say back just as soft. He smiles a huge smile and kisses me again, pulling my shirt off. I'm only just now starting to think about what we're doing, and then I'm suddenly nervous. How does he want to do this? I really don't mind either way, but I don't want to just assume. "Um, do you want...?" I trail off, hoping he understands. God, don't make me say it. So Ryan, do you want to fuck me, or should I fuck you? No.

"I- um, well. It is your birthday..." he tries. I raise my eyebrows and he shrugs.

"You can't let me do something that you don't feel comfortable with just because it's my birthday. I'm fine either way, honestly." He looks nervous and embarrassed.

"Well, I...I want you to," he says quietly. I just nod and kiss him softly. "Do you know what to do? Because that time you asked me how gay sex worked and I said I didn't know, I was just embarrassed, I totally knew, but I think you should probably know before you attempt it," he babbles. I laugh for a while before smiling sheepishly at him.

The One Thing I Never Expected | Ryden | By Ericasaur on LiveJournalWhere stories live. Discover now