Chapter Three (Part Two)

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The rest of our weekend went pretty similar to Friday. Ryan didn't go home until Sunday night. It's usually like that every weekend. I guess we never get tired of hanging out. Well, I know I don't, anyway. This little 'attraction' I have to Ryan has now gotten worse. I'm classifying it as a full-blown Crush now. Yes, Crush with a capital 'c.' It's kind of a big deal to have a big gay crush on your gay best friend of twelve years, right? Yes, I'd say so.

            "So," Spencer says at lunch on Monday, "Who would you rather do? Megan Fox or Jessica Alba?" We're all sitting at the table outside that we've now permanently claimed as ours. And I hate this stupid 'who would you rather do' game that they all like to play.

            Gabe yells, "Megan Fox, dude, duh!"

            William looks amused and says, "Well, obviously Jessica Alba is the more attractive of the two."

            Jon snorts and agrees with Gabe.

            I wrinkle my nose and say, "Ew, dude, Megan Fox is fucking ugly. I don't see why people find her attractive. She looks like a slut." Ryan smiles crookedly at me, and I grin back.

            They all turn to look at Ryan. "Well? Who would you rather fuck?" Gabe asks.

            Why would they ask Ryan that? Didn't I- oh, God. Shit. I didn't tell them he's gay. Oops. I meant to, but I guess I just forgot. Ryan sends me a confused look, and I send him an apologetic one. He looks at me like, 'Seriously, Brendon? Look at the awkward situation you've put me in.'

            Ryan clears his throat and looks down at the table. He gets out his notebook and writes something, then shoves it towards us.


            "Neither?" Spencer asks. "Dude, that's crazy. You have to find at least one of them hot."

            He goes to his notebook again.

            Gay people don't usually fuck girls.

            Now everyone's gaping at him.

            "You're gay?" Jon asks. Ryan nods.

            They all look kind of uneasy, and just surprised, except William. He looks like this isn't new information. I wonder if he'd already guessed.

            "Yeah, he's gay, any of you have a problem with it?" I speak up. It comes out kind of threatening but I mean, it's Ryan. They aren't about to give him shit while I'm here.

            Spencer speaks first. "No! Not at all, I'm just really surprised is all. I'm totally fine with it, Ryan," he smiles. Ryan gives a small smile back.

            "You being gay changes nothing, Ryan," William says coolly. "It makes no difference to me. I know we only met a couple weeks ago, but I consider you a good friend already." He smiles at Ryan and pats his shoulder.

            "No, yeah, I don't care if you fuck dudes, have at it," Gabe says playfully. Ryan laughs a little and ducks his head. Not before I saw the pink on his cheeks though.

            "No worries, it's cool with me," Jon says. Ryan looks at me and does the gesture for 'what?' He can hardly read Jon's lips at all, because he kind of mumbles.

            I sign to him what Jon said, and then he nods and smiles at Jon.

            "Tell them I said 'thanks.'"

            "Ryan says 'thanks' for being cool about this, guys." I tell them. They give a chorus of 'no problem's.

            "Why didn't you tell them, Bren? That fucking sucked. It was like coming out all over again."  he says, looking stressed. I decide to stick to only signing and not speaking, because this is a private conversation.

The One Thing I Never Expected | Ryden | By Ericasaur on LiveJournalWhere stories live. Discover now