Chapter Sixteen (Part Two)

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The next few chapters mention and have scenes of rape, as well as depression and other related things.

                Unfortunately, Ryan woke up at seven thirty, just in time for us to get ready. Mikey and Gerard live within walking distance of my house, so we're walking. I only know where they live because one of the previous parties I went to was at their house. It's eight, and I've been ready for fifteen minutes. Ryan is still in the bathroom doing his hair.

            "Seriously, Ryan, who are you trying to impress here?" I call to the bathroom door from where I'm lounging on my bed. "I have to pee!" I add as an afterthought. I could use the bathroom in the hallway, but I've refused to go in there ever since William and Gabe defiled it. I don't care if they cleaned it. It's not happening. Finally, Ryan comes out, and if it were actually possible for my jaw to be on the floor, it would be, because Goddamn.

            "What? Does it look stupid? I look stupid, oh God," he rambles. All I can do it shake my head. Ryan is wearing those tight black jeans that I love, along with a white long-sleeved shirt with a grey jacket and beige fingerless gloves. He's also wearing brown leather boots that I've never seen before, and he has a cream-colored scarf on. But none of that is why I'm gaping. It's his face. Instead of the thin line of eyeliner that he usually wears, he's got it much thicker, smudged around his bottom and top eyelids. Actually, he has black completely covering his eyelids. I don't know if it's eyeshadow, or what, but I do know that he looks hot. He's also got sharp little lines drawn along the corners of his eyes. I can't stop staring.

            "We need to leave right this minute before I ravage you right there against the wall," I finally manage to find my voice. His worried expression turns into a broad smile, and I stand up.

            "You really like it?" he asks hopefully, bouncing on his toes a little. I nod. "How do I look?" he asks, giving a little turn and making me smile.

            "Dead sexy," I wink.

            "No, that's you," he says slowly, giving me a once-over. "Damn, Bren." I laugh a little, because I didn't even try to get dressed up. Okay, maybe I put on a little extra eyeliner and my red glasses that I know Ryan loves. Besides that, I'm just wearing dark jeans and a t-shirt with a black button-up jacket.

            "What? I didn't get dressed up like you," I laugh.

            "Come on, before I take you up on that offer to ravage me against the wall," he says, tugging me out the door and down the stairs before I even get a chance to pee.

            Once we're outside, I take a deep breath of the cool air. It's not cold; it never really gets cold here, but it's a little chilly. It feels good. I've always liked colder weather, so it sucks to live here. Ryan tugs his scarf around his neck tighter before taking my hand as we both head off down the street. My mom doesn't even know we're going, because she took the late shift tonight. I don't think she'd care anyway. She knows we're not stupid enough to do drugs (excluding weed, but she doesn't have to know about that) or get too drunk, and I'm already fucking my boyfriend in our house, so what other shenanigans could we possibly get into? I'm totally trustworthy.

            After fifteen minutes or so of walking, we're heading up the Way's driveway. The loud music is audible from out here, and hopefully the neighbors won't call the fucking police. Before I get a chance to knock, the door swings open and Mikey appears.

            "Hey guys! Glad you could make it. William and Gabe are already here, if you wanna go find them. They were in the kitchen a second ago," he informs us. We follow him inside, Ryan's grip tightening on my hand when he sees all the people. I honestly don't know why he wanted to come. He's probably just trying to prove something. "Have fun!" Mikey says before walking off.

The One Thing I Never Expected | Ryden | By Ericasaur on LiveJournalWhere stories live. Discover now