Chapter Nine

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  If I'm wrong about Gabe being at least a little bit into guys, then my gaydar must be completely off, because he is currently sitting on my bed in his pajamas, (which are covered in sheep, by the way. Sheep) cuddling my stuffed penguin, practically begging Ryan to tell him the story of how we got together, again. Ryan doesn't even talk to Gabe much anyway. He makes me translate. So I end up telling the story. Ryan has been talking to William more and more, though.

"Gabe," I groan, exasperated. "We have literally told you that story like, fifteen times."

"But it's a cute story," he pouts.

"If you ask again, I'm going to start making out with Ryan right in front of you." He opens his mouth to reply, but before he can, William claps a hand over Gabe's mouth.

"For the love of God, Gabe, shut up! I already had enough of them sucking face at the movies; I really do not need to see any more," William says with a horrified expression. I just grin at him and Ryan rolls his eyes at me.

"Can you not stand to keep your hands off of me for more than ten minutes?" Ryan smirks.

"Me? Me?" He raises his eyebrows at me, so I continue. "You're the one who crawled into my lap at the movies and practically molested me!" Ryan starts cracking up, along with Gabe.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't love it," Ryan speaks. When he sees the surprised looks we give him, he shrugs. "Look guys," he says, addressing William and Gabe. "I don't think you two really care what I sound like, and we're friends now. It's really hard for me to speak to anyone other than Brendon, but I trust you guys." William raises his eyebrows, and Gabe makes a sound of approval.

"Thank God. I don't know if you know this, but it's kind of hard to be friends with someone that you can't communicate with," Gabe says. Exactly; that's why I learned to sign in the first place.

"Yeah, this will make things so much better," William agrees.

"Ryan," I whine. He looks at me. "That was totally our thing." I put on my best pout and bring out the sad eyes. Not that I'm being serious. I'm glad he's talking to them. But I'll admit, it does make me a little bit jealous. Just a little bit. That's probably ridiculous. Oh, well.

"Well, signing is still our thing," he offers. "They don't understand that, so it's still ours," he smiles sweetly at me.

"I'm still signing everything I say, because you can't just start signing things for eight years, and then suddenly stop."

"Yeah, me too," Ryan says.

"Gabe, why are you in your pajamas when it's only six o'clock?" William asks.

"Because my jeans were so tight they were cutting off my circulation, so it was either pajamas, or nothing," he winks at William. William visibly swallows and turns red. I bite my lip to keep from laughing, because I wish they'd just make out already or something. I still need to talk to Gabe, actually.

"Hey, Gabe. Come in here with me to order pizza, you know what William likes," I say. Of course, I don't actually need him to come with me, but I need to have a little chat with him. William gives me a look, clearly saying, 'I'm going to murder you in your sleep if you say anything.'

Once we're in the kitchen at the phone, and I've ordered the pizza, I turn to Gabe.

"So. I have a question for you," I start, taking a deep breath. I really hope I'm right about this.

The One Thing I Never Expected | Ryden | By Ericasaur on LiveJournalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن