Chapter Four (Part Two)

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Fifth period. Creative Writing with the coolest teacher on the planet, Ms. Cartwright, or Genevieve, as she has us call her. ("I don't care what the rules say; you all call me by my name. Screw the rules," she had said on our first day.) Yeah, she's pretty much the best.
            Instead of desks, the room is filled with wooden tables, each containing four chairs. Ryan, William, Spencer, and I claimed the one farthest in the back. We're all chatting away, because we finished our group assignment, and now have the remaining fifteen minutes to do whatever we want. Ryan and I are sitting next to each other, but I turned my chair sideways so I could put my legs in his lap and face him while we talk. William and Spencer are both sitting on the table, legs dangling off, facing us.

            "No, dude, you are totally wrong. The new one is so much better than that out-of-date crap," Spencer says to William. They've been arguing for the past ten minutes about Romeo & Juliet. William thinks the original movie is best, while Spencer thinks that the newer version with Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio is better.

            The whole argument was kind of caused indirectly by me. Spencer commented on how Ryan and I are pretty much inseparable, and I jokingly said in a girly voice while fawning over Ryan, "Ryan's the Romeo to my Juliet!" Ryan immediately grinned and signed, "You just did a girl voice, didn't you?" He knows me so well. We're meant to be. We should get married—

            "Brendon!" Spencer yells. I snap out of my little world and look at him wide-eyed.


            "Which movie is better?"

            "Oh, the original, dude. That new one completely butchered it," I reply. "But do you know what's better than both movies? The book," I roll my eyes.

            "Thank you, Brendon!" William huffs, smirking at Spencer. "At least some of us can appreciate classic literature."

            "You know, Bill, Ryan likes to read those same boring books that you read. You two are alike in a lot of ways. Both boring and pretentious," I joke.

            William glares at me and Ryan huffs indignantly, pinching one of my legs in his lap, hard. I yelp and flick him on the nose, saying, "Bad Ryan!"

            He then throws my legs off his lap, nearly making me fall out of my chair. I try to put my legs back up, but he moves his chair farther away so I can't.

            I smile slyly at him and raise an eyebrow. "Fine, Ryan Ross. You wanna play it that way?" He has a playful smirk on his face, and his eyes are bright. I stand up and plop down into his lap before he has a chance to move away again. I'm just as small as he is, but I'm stronger than him, so he is very unsuccessfully trying to push me off. He huffs again, and stops struggling, glaring at me. I look at him completely serious, like I'm not sitting on his lap in a tiny chair. I'm trying to make him laugh, so I put on the most serious face I can, and stare at him until he cracks. He starts to laugh, making his whole body shake underneath me. I start laughing too, because this whole situation is ridiculous. We have these little fake arguments all the time. We're never serious. We just act like we are. So spectators, like Will and Spencer, probably think we're actually arguing, while we're really just making a game of it, seeing how long we can go without laughing.

            I hear Spencer laugh and I look at him. He shakes his head and says, "You two are ridiculous, honestly. It's not even that funny." He's smiling, and so is William.

            "Comfortable, Brendon?" William asks, smirking.

            "Yeah, actually. Ryan may be a bony little bastard, but he's quite comfortable." Ryan sticks his tongue out at me and rests his hands on my legs. I think I'll just stay in his lap. I'm already here, why not? Makes sense to me.

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