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[jungkooks pov.]

We got up to leave and I walked outside to open the door for her. When I closed it, I felt something at my shoe. I looked down and saw a paper on my foot.

As I picked it up, I looked at it and saw a little boy that looked so much like....Ken. I quickly put it on my pocket and got into the car.

After dropping her off, I waved and took off. My mind began to think of ken. He was a missing child. No... Hyemi would never do that. Would she?

I quickly drove back to the dorms.


"Namjoon? Where's my other shoe?" Jin asks Namjoon who is on his phone. "I don't know. Ask Jimin, he was trying to kill a bug that hobi got scared of." Jin groaned and left the room.

Taehyung came running into the room yelling, running away from yoongi.

"I didn't do it!" Taehyung said. "Yes you did! Look at it! Why is it green!?" Yoongi yells, holding up a kumamon. It was green though.

"I didn't do it!" He kept yelling. "Your hands are green!" Yoongi says and throws the kumamon at him.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. Namjoon looked up form his phone and nudges me. "What's up?" He asks. "I don't know." I said.

"Where were you?" He asks me. "Hyemi." He looked at me wide-eyed. "You were what? You know there are always cameras watching?" He scolds me. I nodded.

"Namjoon...I...Please don't freak out." He shakes his head. "No promises. Go ahead." I sighed and faced towards him.

"Hyemi had a kid, and that kid happens to me mine-" "jungkook! Are you crazy? This could ruin your career! No! Jungkook you need to-" "hey! Stop yelling!" Jin joins in.

Namjoon's explains to him and Jin began to yell at me as well. That's when J-hope and Jimin joined in. Yoongi was still chasing Taehyung but stopped and began to look at us.

Taehyung began to scream. "What are we yelling for!?" He throws his hands up in the air. "Guys! Let me explain!" They faced towards me. "How? How jungkook? How are you going to fix this now?" J-hope asks.

"Look...His name is Ken and I feel like this isn't right. Look." I pulled out my phone to show them the picture of Ken. Their eyes widened.

"Jun!" Taehyung shouts. I looked at him confused. "Jungkook...That's not your child! That's Hana's!" J-hope says. They all nodded.

I looked at J-hope like he was crazy. "Hana's?" I asked. "I mean her brother." J-hope says. "So...This means she kidnapped him? But why?" Yoongi asks.

"We have to help him. Guys this is Hana's brother!" I pulled out the flyer once Namjoon said that. They looked at it and nodded. "How are we gonna get him?" Jin asks.

"Let's go to her house and get him." Yoongi says. "We can't just get him. He must be trapped somewhere. Be smart!" Jimin says. Yoongi turned around and kicked his leg.

"Hey! Now is not the time!" Jin shouted. "Jungkook...Why don't you just ask her if you can spend time with Jun and then you steal him back?"

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