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Aaron got home and grabbed by his collar by his uncle. "You're late, trash." He snapped, pulling him into the house and shoving him to the ground. Aaron stood up and tossed his backpack aside. He was acting casual, like this happened every day. Scratch that, this happened every day anywa.

Aaron scratched his head and answered with a yawn, "Yeah, the bus broke down. Sorry."

His uncle snapped, "Fix your tone." Aaron paused, cleared his throat, and tried again.

"It won't happen again, sir, I promise." He said, loud and clear for his uncle to hear. His uncle gave a nod of dismissal and Aaron went to his room with his bag. He was extra careful in making sure to lock the door afterwards. He slid to the ground, pulled a beer out from under his bed and opened it with a crack.

Aaron chugged the can, set it down, and pulled out another. His phone began to buzz and he answered with a shaky breath. Charles. "Hey, are you drinkin again? You actually answered for once." He snickered.

Aaron nodded and mumbled, "I'm on my second can. Are you free? I was thinking about vandalism." Charles sighed, looked down the hall to his parents, and then shut his bedroom door.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll sneak out, okay? Meet me at the park with spray paint, toilet paper, and yourself." Charles instructed before hanging up and tossing his phone in the bed. He looked in the mirror, ruffled his hair, and slipped his sneakers on.

Aaron grabbed the supplies from the house, making up random excuses to his uncle, knowing he wouldn't really care too much. He never did. So, he slipped on some boots and hopped on his bike, the duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

When he got to the park it was completely empty except for Charles. He was spray painting a dickbutt on a trash can with bright red orange paint. He had a dark gold bandana around his chin. Charles wore a dark blue hoodie, black jeans, and dark gold sneakers. He looked genuinely nice for a teenage punk about to vandalize somebody's shit.

"Alright it's still daylight so might as well hang out." Charles sighed, checking the time on his phone. Aaron was in a black sweater, some grey sweatpants, his red converse, and a red beanie.

"You look like you're on a date, idiot." Aaron snickered, brushing some dirt off Charles's shoulder in a joking matter. Charles simply rolled his eyes and went to go sit on a park bench.

"Yeah well if we go to juvie again, I wanna look fashionable. Last time I was only in my boxers and a crop top." Charles explained, shivering at the memory

. Aaron snorted and sat next to him. "Yeah, yeah. I was in a sundress and makeup so I would agree that sucked."

They continued talking until it was dark and the lampposts were on, flickering dimly in their dark surroundings. Aaron stood up, stretched, and grabbed the duffel. "Okay what house?" He asked, turning to Charles. Charles smiled, opened his phone, and answered slyly, "I have a house in mind. A bunch of stuck up assholes live there." Aaron nodded and they got on their bikes.

Charles checked the address of their principal one more time on his phone before looking back up. He pulled over by some bushes and his his bike, making sure the house was a short walk away. Aaron parked on the other side of the street, behind a tree. They met up on Charles's sidewalk and walked to the house.

Charles opened his backpack and pulled out the egg cartons. A venomous grin tugged at his lips and he took one out. He checked all the windows, making sure the lights were out, and then hurled out right at the front of the house.

Aaron smiled and pulled his turtle neck (he was wearing it under his sweater duh) over his mouth. He began spray painting whatever was in his head. It ended up as a cuss word, what else. Charles was done hurling eggs and was now tp-ing the house, trying to hold back his laughter.

Sir (Burr X Washington)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang