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"Aaron Burr, to the office please. Now." The front desk lady sneered over the intercom. Several students in the first hour reading class glanced to the back of the room where punk skater boy Aaron Burr sat in his seat.

He was doodling on one of his notebooks, the bright colors being shined with glittery dots. With a dramatic sigh he stood up, picked up his things, and began walking to the door.

The teacher didn't even bother to stop teaching when he got called, considering this happens every single day. Charles Lee waved goodbye to Aaron as he left, and Hamilton gave him a little salute.

There were 3 reasons he could be getting called to the office

1. His uncle is here to pick him up for whatever reason possible. These reasons range from doctor's appointment to the car needs to be fixed to there are actual live aliens in the cellar (the staff gave up on getting him to tell the truth)

2. He was in trouble for something that he and Charles Lee did. This is common. The two were the best of frenemies and always getting drunk and doing drugs and getting into trouble.

3. Mr. Washington, the principle, was calling him into his office to have a nice little chit chat. This wasn't the first time. This wasn't the last.

Sure enough, he walked inside with his stuff and the lady pointed to Mr. Washington's office door. He took a seat in front of Mr.Washington's desk and set his stuff to the side.

"Coffee, please?" Aaron asked politely, a smile on his face. Washington shook his head and drummed his fingers on the wood.

Aaron raised an eyebrow and then sat up straight. He stared at Washington in confusion. As far as he knew, he wasn't in trouble for anything.

"Mr.Burr, you do realize this is your second time in your senior year and you are still failing with three F's?" Mr.Washington snapped, leaning back in his seat. Aaron shrugged and leaned back in his seat as well. With sass, he kicked his feet up on the desk.

"Alright. So?" He murmured, folding his hands together. Mr. Washington, with any other student, would have snapped at them to get their feet off his desk. Maybe even give them an automatic detention.

But, this was Aaron Burr, and Washington had a soft spot for the boy. No matter how much trouble he got into and no matter how terrible he might be, Aaron Burr would never get a detention for something like this. Mr. Washington would silently fight tooth and nail to keep Aaron from getting a detention, suspension, or expulsion of any kind.

Mr.Washington explained, "You're failing English, reading, and math. Those are your best classes, why are you suddenly dropping?"

"I bombed some dumb tests." Aaron answered.

"Well, you could have prevented that. You had study guides right?"
"Yeah but the teacher is the one that's a dumb bitch."

Mr.Washington forcefully moved Aaron's feet from off his desk. "Language and manners. You know both definitions, young man." He snapped.

Mr.Washington got out a manilla file filled with photocopies of all of Aaron's homework and tests.

"You were being sarcastic. I know that you know the answers to these, why didn't you answer?"
"Because the teacher is a-"
"Do NOT repeat that vulgar word, young man."
"... female dog."
"Thank you."

Mr.Washington pulled out one of the math tests and frowned. All of the answers were sarcastic and dumb, but Aaron was a genius at math. It never made sense to him as to why he refused to try when the tests came around.

Every time a test came around Aaron would fail every question and end up lowering his grade to an F for the quarter. He had to graduate this year, more than anything.

All of his friends were going by, already graduating, and Aaron was still in his senior for his second time in a row. Washington felt bad for the boy.

No parents, no siblings, and only friends with a bunch of trouble makers. Washington sighed and explained, "I think you need a tutor if you really don't understand any of the homework or the questions on your tests." Aaron laughed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah," He scoffed, "Like my uncle would pay money for dumb crap like that!" Washington looked down and stared at the desk in thought for a moment.

After some thinking he reasoned, "Well, what if I was your tutor? I would tutor you during school like now. I could pull you out of your classes and try to teach you everything. No payment necessary. Your form of payment can be getting good grades."

Aaron stared for a moment, considering it.

He came into Washington's once a week like this, just having conversations with him all the time.

With suspicious eyes he mumbled, "Why would you do that?" Washington stood up and walked over to the office door, shutting it and locking it with a click.

He smiled and said, "You're an important student. Smart, creative, intelligent. I don't want you getting stuck in this school another year. I know the students and drama are a living hell, believe me. I mean, hell, I was in school once."

"Like a million years ago?"
"Watch it."
"Did you ride to school on your own pet dinosaur?"

"Burr. Stop... You're smart, I know you are. Please just let me help you with this. It won't be too hard, I promise. I know it's senior classes and all but the problems really aren't as hard as they seem." He looked to Aaron with hopeful eyes, silently begging him to let him tutor him.

Aaron frowned and slowly nodded, not even really sure if this was a good idea. He was the punk of the school, the head bully. It wasn't exactly super cool street cred if you were hanging with the principal every single day.

"Fine" He sighed, not sure what was telling him to let Washington in. "Fine, you can tutor me, Washington." Washington smiled and walked back over.

He looked over the tests a final time before shoving them into the manilla file and sliding them into a drawer in his desk.

"What class do you wanna start on?" He asked, folding his hands together on top of his desk.

Aaron got tense and looked away. "Like, we're starting now?"

Washington furrowed his eyebrows in confusion for a second before laughing and shaking his head.

"Right, right, you should probably get back to class. Alright go ahead and leave it's fine. We can start tomorrow, okay?" He explained. Aaron nodded and stood up, grabbing his stuff.

"I'll see you tomorrow, sir."
"Have a good day, Aaron."
"You too, sir, you too."

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