The Trouble with Sexual Affections

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Not that it was at the top of his to do list or anything, but George was completely ready to have sex with Aaron. He was an adult though, and a mature one too. So he knew better than to mention it or pressure Aaron into anything. Sadly, Aaron was nothing if not a tease. He loved to grind against George sometimes or mark his neck or just send him playful mischievous texts. George ended up shutting his phone off when Aaron sent him a highly... Lewd text one night.

George was tired of all the teasing. The mature parental side of him wanted to scold Aaron for leading him on only to shut him down. The two times that they had gotten to the bedroom and were about to have sex, Aaron had gotten scared and said no at the last minute. Don't get him wrong, George was completely and totally fine with that. Last thing he wanted was to pressure his Aaron and do something they might regret. But enough was enough. So, Friday evening after school, when Aaron and George were in the principal's office, George decided to mention it.

Only for it to go horribly wrong.

George asked as he worked on paperwork, "How do you feel about having sex?" Aaron's face turned red as a cherry. He looked down and immediately began to fidget and pick at his nails.

"I'm not sure yet," he muttered.

George continued, "We need to talk about your little teasing habits, Aaron." He set his stuff down and sat up straight. Aaron recognized the tone and sat up as well, keeping his hands in his lap.

George explained, "You've been constantly teasing me Aaron. From lewd texts to sexual innuendos to turning me on with that delicious body of yours. Aaron, you can't just lead people on and then push them away. I'm much more understanding than other people. You probably don't want to have sex with an adult yet. You're maybe used to other kids- people your age. I understand why you would be uncomfortable."

Aaron was trying to pay attention but the tone of George's voice went straight to his already hard cock. He was scooted close to the other side of the desk so his principal and lover didn't see his erection, but he was afraid he would see it. Of course he was nervous to be with George, he was an adult with a kid for fuck's sake. But damn did he want him. The dominant commanding tone mixed with the sweet and soft caring was so pleasing to listen to.

"Aaron," George snapped, "Please tell me you're actually listening."

Aaron answered in a rushed stutter, "Y-Yes, master."




The room got quiet as Washington stood up and slid his jacket off. He laid it on the chair and walked around the desk to Aaron. Aaron kept his hands over his erection, even if he couldn't cover it very well. Mr.Washington ordered, "Uncover yourself and stand up." Aaron immediately obeyed.

Mr. Washington stood behind him and purred in his ear, "Turn around so your master can get a good look at you." Aaron nodded a bit and turned around. Mr.Washington immediately touched his cock, palming him through his jeans. Aaron gasped and leaned against the desk. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, suppressing his moans.

"What exactly turned you on, hmm?~ I'm so curious~" Mr.Washington smirked.

Aaron stammered, "Y-You~ Just every part of- of you, master. Your tone, your c-commanding aura~"

"Is that what you like?" Mr.Washington questioned. He touched Aaron a bit tougher, causing a squeaked moan to escape Aaron. "Do you like the thought of me ordering you around?~ Maybe bending you over and punishing you. I would say you definitely deserve it for the way you've been such a damn tease~"

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