Skipping School is a Bad Idea

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Aaron had to go to school alone because Charles had a drunk one night stand and was "unfit" to go to any classes today. This pissed him off to no end, but whatever.

Right when he entered the school and made his way to the cafeteria, he felt scared. Something was wrong, horribly wrong. John Laurens ran up to him right when he got in the cafeteria. He looked worried.

"Dude, have you seen twitter?" John asked, shaking his shoulders. Aaron shook his head.

He asked, "what's the big deal? Why is everybody... looking at me?" Aaron started to leave the cafeteria but John was pulling out his phone.

"George King started a rumor that you're getting expelled for skipping school yesterday." John said, showing him the tweet.

Aaron's face went blank and his heart shattered. He looked at the tweet and the amount of people that had already retweeted and liked it. He shoved John away and snuck off to the library, sitting in the back and reading poetry like a loser.

Aaron wasn't able to handle things like this. Rumors and stuff like that. It was really hard to do anything without some support. But his support was currently jacking off to some mystery boy he met in an alley way. Aaron sighed when the bell rang and went to class.

He was paranoid, waiting for Mr.Washington to call him to the office and expel him. Aaron didn't even grab any of his stuff for his first class, but instead cleaned out his locker. That helped him relax a little (cleaning aways calmed his nerves), and he managed to make it to second hour on time with his stuff.

All of second hour he kept thinking about being expelled. If course he would expel me, I'm not good enough for any of this. I don't even deserve to bhave any of the things I have. Friends, an education, a life... I'm worthless...

Aaron had to be excused and went to the bathroom to wipe his tears.

Third hour social studies rolled around and they had a test to take. Aaron recieved the rest and stared at it for a few minutes. He started thinking about memories. Answering the tests with complete sarcasm so he could see George... Mr.Washington... answering with insults so he would pay attention to him again. Doing the tests perfectly so Mr.Washington would be proud of him... and maybe finally lean in and kiss him in his office.

Aaron picked up his pencil but couldn't bring himself to answer. He stared at the test some more before the teacher interrupted his thoughts. "Mr.Burr, you've been staring at the test for 10 minutes now. Do the work." He ordered. Aaron sighed and picked up his pencil.

He got two questions done before the thoughts in his head flooded back in. The teacher yelled at him, but Aaron's mind was cloudy. He did know that he was sent to the office by the teacher though. So Aaron stood up with his test and stuff and went to the office.

He waited for awhile for Mr.Washington to be done talking to some girl about her grades. When she left, Mr.Washington stood in the doorway for a moment. He glared at Aaron, tapping his foot impatiently.

Aaron's head was still cloudy, and nothing was registering properly. He felt himself slipping away from the world, unable to control his own actions. He felt like a robot, moving when told to move and not even really... there.

Mr.Washington was talking to him but he could barely hear or hold on to the reality of his situation. Aaron was left with his thoughts.

Of course he's yelling at you you're a piece of shit. Why can't you focus? You should just give up. Nobody would even notice if you killed yourself off. Why is everything so fuzzy? Why can't you hear him? Nobody fucking loves you Aaron, and why can't you get that through your head? What is he trying to tell me? I want to hear him.

His fuzziness cleared away.

"I want you to turn in all of your books, hand over your student ID, and leave the property. You're not allowed to come back, you are not going to be graduating, and if you're caught on school grounds again for any reason we have the right to remove you by force."

Aaron suddenly wanted to tune back out.

He was holding an emotionless poker face, wanting all of this to just end. It was so hard to hold back his tesrs. He was stating at the desk, not meeting his eyes. Aaron didn't even remember walking into the office, let alone sitting down and putting his stuff on the floor next to him.

"Mr.Burr, are you paying attention?" Mr.Washington snapped.

Burr nodded and answered, "Yes, sir."

"Do what I asked you. Now."

Aaron Burr stood up and got his wallet out. He set his student ID on the desk and walked to the door. Burr stopped for a second and stood in front of the door. He didn't want to leave. He couldn't leave without saying something to Washington. He couldn't just go and not tell him something anything.

"Leave, Burr."

But the moment was gone. So he opened the door and went to his teachers. He turned in his textbooks, cleaned out the rest of his locker, and walked to the exit doors of the school.

The ball had rang so students were rushing to get to their next classes. But when they saw Aaron they all stopped, watching him.

Laurens dropped his stuff in surprise, his eyes wide. "Aaron..." He breathed out. Aaron glanced at him before looking at the door. Mr.Washington was waiting there, holding the door open. The action wasn't as sincere as Aaron expected it to be though. He looked in his eyes and found no love, no sympathy.

Aaron stepped through the doors and heard it slam shut behind him.

Finally he dropped the act and sobbed, the tears spilling over and rolling down his cheek. He looked back through the glass and saw Laurens. Laurens was frowing, mouthing something to him.

But Aaron felt himself shutting off once again.

He accepted it like it was hug.

I'm actually crying from writing this

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