Smad is an Underestimated Term

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Mad is an underestimated term for how fucking pissed Charles Lee is.

He came home about two hours ago to find Aaron in the bathroom with the door locked shut. His immediate thought was that he was trying to kill himself. Aaron was simply crying though, standing in the shower and letting the boiling hot water pour down his back.

He found out about him getting expelled, and immediately smashed his laptop. Charles then got even more kisses and threw his text book out the window. Aaron shouted at him to calm down and that everything was fine, but Charles didn't listen.

So now they were in the backyard by the fire pit. The fire pit is where they had campfires and made s'mores and all that jazz. But now they were burning Charles' math book. Aaron took some of his old homework he never turned in and threw that in too.

Around 4 pm, Aaron mumbled, "How was your one night stand?" Charles slowly smiled and messed with the rainbow pride bracelet Sam gave him.

"Oh, you know. It was nice. Not a one night stand, we, uh, we're actually dating now." Charles giggled. Aaron smiled and patted him on the back before looking back at the fire. He frowned and hugged himself, imagining George being there to comfort him. "Aaron I hope you know that I'm going to fucking yell at Washington. I don't care if I get suspended, expelled, whatever. I'm yelling at him."

Aaron nodded a bit, knowing there was no use in arguing with him. When Charles was furious about something, there was nothing you could possibly do to stop him.


Sad was an underestimated term for how depressed Aaron felt.

It wasn't true that he had only gone to the bathroom for a shower and some crying. He was going to pick up the razor and kill himself off but... Aaron didnt want to kill himself over Washington. He wasnt going to be that weak. Weak was an important word in Aaron's vocabulary. His father had pretty much slammed that word into him over and over and over again.

Aaron did wanna die though. So, so badly. He just wanted it all to go away. The pain of his uncle leaving him alone. Even if the man was a cruel monster to him, he was the only family Aaron had left. The fact that he was probably never going to graduate high school. He would never get a high school diploma, never go into music for college. Or go into writing. Aaron wasn't going to have a future, and he was scared of that.

George didn't love him anymore...

That hurt the most...

Right when he had been told he was redoing senior year of high school, Aaron was debating suicide again. But, he seemed to change that. His cutting became less frequent and Washington's encouragement to continue schooling, no matter how much he denied it, was actually a wonderful help.

Slowly but surely Aaron managed to fall in love with Washington. He hated it at first. Mostly because 1: huge age difference, 2: illegal, 3: He would never love Aaron back. But, George proved him wrong. George did love him. He fought tooth and nail for him to be safe in school and for him to not be punished for anything he did.

Aaron wasn't sure what happened...

One second he loved him more than anything and the next... he hated his guts...

...Aaron truly didn't know what he did wrong...

But his mind said he was immature. That was nothing. That he wasn't enough for George. That George deserves somebody better and that's why they split up.

So Aaron followed through on that.

Now he was back at square one. Thinking he wasn't good enough because of a failing education and a harsh break up. This is exactly where he was last time. And Aaron was sick and tired of ending up here.


Charles knew this wasn't the first time Aaron had considered suicide.

It was in seventh grade that Aaron had tried suffocating himself. He wasnt really sure how else to do it. A gun seemed to much to clean, hanging was too much work, and cutting was too much pain for him. I mean, he was in seventh grade.

He was still scared to die, even if he wanted to. Charles thought as he walked into school the next morning. He went straight to the office and asked if Mr.Washington was free. He wasn't. He was busy with something in the cafeteria. Of course. Charles wasnt giving up though.

He sat down in a chair and prepared his argument while texting Sam.

NotRelatedToJohnAdams: ok so ur gonna yell at the principal? No offense babe but bad idea

IMAGENERALBITCH: i have to. He's driving my friend to suicide. Btw can u come to my house and help me protect him from himself??? He keeps trying to get to the nearest sharp thing and... and you're strong~

NotRelatedToJohnAdams: Aight I'll be at ur house around 4

NotRelatedToJohnAdams: luv u <3


Mr.Washington walked into the little waiting area and froze when I saw Charles. He sighed and walked to his office, Charles following him.

George was just as depressed as Aaron.

He didn't know what he was thinking, expelling Aaron. It was ridiculous of him to do that. But he was angry and he didn't even know why. Was it because he was careless? Abusing George's protection? George didn't know anymore. Of course he could call Aaron and bring him back into school, but that seemed so... terrible of a thing to do. And what was he supposed to say? Washington didnt want to admit it, but he actually cried himself to sleep over it, thinking Aaron wouldn't forgive him so easily.

He sat down and pulled out a notebook, ready to take notes of whatever Charles was going to complain about. Charles had a history of making suggestions.

"Alright, Mr.Lee, what's the issue today?"


Washington let out a long sigh and started writing.

This is going to take awhile.

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