desperate, disgusting, unrequited, illegal, homosexual feelings

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Desperate, disgusting, unrequited, illegal, homosexual feelings

Aaron grabbed a beer from under his bed. Here he was, back at square one. Drinking and thinking of doing something stupid.

His mind went to Washington. "Now now," He chuckled, "What're you doing in my head?" But, his thoughts continued. Aaron wasn't sure what he thought about Washington. Sure he was a nice guy but it was always a blue of what he really thought about him.

Washington was his principal. A principal that desperately wanted him to graduate. A principal that knew right from wrong. A principal that loved to smile at Aaron, loved to care for him. Aaron blushed and chugged the rest of the beer.

He thought about Washington's hands. Aaron remembered the first time Washington held his hand. His hands are so much smaller in comparison to Washington's. It brought a smile to his face, thinking about it. Washington was quite the man, this was true. But, Aaron was smart and he knew better than to act on his feelings and heart.

The first day Washington has so much as shown sign of affection to him, he looked up the handbook on the school website. Aaron needed to know if it was illegal. Illegal for a student and a staff, teacher, principal, etc to do this. When he didn't get his answer he turned to the internet.


Downright fucking illegal.

No matter how much it was fetishized over the internet, no matter how romantic and interestingly scandalous it was, it was illegal. Black and white, no grey area to look through and play in. Illegal.

Aaron remembered when he first started pushing him away. He started skipping school with Charles, not going to the office when called, anything that could prevent him from seeing Washington.

Hell, Aaron was still trying to dodge seeing him.

He was falling in love with his principal, and he knew it too. Slowly but surely, he was falling more and more in love with the man.

Easing into the gentle touches, leaning in for more, thinking about seeing him again, wanting him, wanting to undress him at work, wanting to kiss him hard on the lips, wanting, wanting, wanting...

Wanting him.

Aaron gasped for breath and leapt up from where he was sitting. His breath was cut short, his chest tight. This hadn't happened in awhile and here it was again.

Different problems ran through his head. Panic attack, asthma attack, migraine, epilepsy? What's going on?! Aaron began laughing and shook his head. Epilepsy? Seriously? What am I thinking right now?

"Maybe he just really does take my breath away." Aaron joked, picking up his beer and drinking the last few drops at the bottom.

His uncle called from the other room, "STOP TALKING TO YOURSELF LUNATIC YOU'RE WORSE THAN YOUR MOTHER!" Aaron growled and picked up his lamp.

He threw it at the door and shouted, "WAS I TALKING TO YOU MOTHER FUCKER?!" Aaron glared at the shattered glass on the floor and then froze. Oh I am so dead. Aaron raced to lock and barricade the door but it was too late.

His uncle slammed the door open and grabbed Aaron by his wrists. "YOU KNOW VERY WELL NOT TO TALK TO ME THAT WAY YOUNG MAN!" His uncle snapped, dragging him to the basement door. Aaron's eyes went wide and he kicked and screamed.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I WISH MY PARENTS NEVER DECIDED IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO TRUST YOU!" He wailed, finally breaking from his uncle's grip and running to the front door.

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