Chapter 23: Kara and Barry wake up/Daddy+Daughter Time

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It has been five days since Barry and Lexie's daughter had been born and since Barry had decided to help their friend who was an alien. Barry and Kara were still in a coma which left Lexie devastated and even more worried. Lexie gently rubbed her baby daughter's head as the baby struggled to fall asleep for her afternoon nap. Baby Grace was in a sling so her mother could help the team easier instead of holding her but she still had her mommy time but she desperately wanted daddy time even Team Flash/Dash could see that. Jesse walked towards Lexie and said, "Lexie? Do you want me to hold her so you can get some things done? I noticed that you haven't been at your lab at the CCPD a while." Lexie nodded, gently gave the young speedster her baby girl, and thanked her. The baby began to fuss even more just as she was placed into an unknown person's arms. Jesse shushed the baby as much as she could while her team leader walked over to Nathan. Nathan noticed that his sister had small bags underneath her eyes signaling that she hasn't slept well since Barry had been in a coma along with Kara. He said to Lexie, "Lexie, are you ok?" Lexie nodded, but Nathan knew that was a lie because her eyes were moving side to side. He said to her, "Alexandria Isabelle Tyler-Allen, don't you lie to me." Lexie sighed and replied, "No, I'm not ok. I can't eat and I can't sleep. I'm too busy worrying about Barry and when he's going to wake up and his safety." Just as she said that, two gasps came from the infirmary room causing Lexie to freeze in her spot. She turned around slowly to find her husband awake along with her best friend. Lexie said, as Barry walked over to her, "Barry?" Barry nodded with a smile but he noticed that she had happy tears in her green eyes similar to his own.

He placed one of his hands onto Lexie's checks while she did the same to him, her hands on both of his cheeks, and brought her into a very passionate kiss. They broke away when they heard a very familiar voice say, "Lexie? Barry? What's going on?" They both turned to see Kara standing in the doorway of the infirmary room with a confused look. Kara said to them, "And why is that girl over there holding a baby that looks like both of you?" Lexie smiled at her friend who had walked over to her and her husband. She walked over to Jesse who gently held Grace who was now finally asleep from all the excitement and took the sleeping baby into her arms. Kara looked at the small baby who slept in Lexie's arms with a content and calm look in her face. Barry said to Kara, as he smiled down at his daughter, "Kara, meet the new team member of Team Flash/Dash........ Grace Nora Allen." Kara smiled at Barry and said, "You do realize that a baby is a handful, right?" Barry nodded, knowing that it was true, and replied, "Yeah but it's worth it." Lexie placed Grace into Barry's arms who took their daughter gratefully with a proud smile on his face. Kara noticed that her two best friends had changed with the new addition to their family but not physically, emotionally and mentally. She smiled to herself but the happy moment was interrupted when a voice said coldly, "Well, well, well....... I'm surprised to see that the Flash and Supergirl survived the world that I had created." Barry and Kara turned to see the Music Mister standing in the entrance of the cortex which caused Barry to give Grace to Lexie who hid behind him and Kara even though she had super speed like Barry, Wally, and Jesse. Kara, Barry, Jesse, Wally, Mon-El, and J'onn Jonz stood protectively in front of Lexie, Harrison, Nathan, Iris, Danielle, Logan, and Joe who watched the meta waiting for his next move. Barry said, "What do you want, Music Mister? You have already proven that you could control our minds but this time we're ready for whatever you have in store for us." However, the villain ignored the hero's speech and had his eyes on Lexie who held a small bundle of blankets in her arms and cowered behind Barry. Before he could move towards Lexie, Barry stepped in front of his wife, concealing her out of the villain's sight, and said, between gritted teeth with all seriousness, "Stay away from my family." While Music Mister was distracted, Cisco had sneaked behind the villain and placed handcuffs but meta-proof handcuffs and tased him with a taser gun. Music Mister was taken to the pipeline by Logan and Joe while Barry hugged Lexie who was scared out of her mind.

In the middle of the night, Barry woke up to hear fussing coming from the nursery causing him to look at the clock. He groaned, it was 3:50 in the morning. He wondered how Lexie handled these morning feedings. Barry got out of the comfortable bed and walked towards the nursery. As he got closer, Barry noticed that Speedy and Max were asleep in the doorway protectively. He rolled his eyes and opened the door to hear loud crying coming from the crib that was on the left side of the nursery and on the left side of the window. He looked into the crib to see his baby girl tossing around and making fussing noises, he figured that she might need a diaper change or a bottle. So, with his face scrunched up with a disgusted look, he gently picked up the baby and smelt her bottom. Yep, she definitely needed a diaper change. Barry sighed, he hated doing diaper changes normally Lexie would do the diaper changes. He whispered to the fussy baby, "You probably think that this is payback for going to help Auntie Kara and for leaving your mommy, huh?" Barry finished changing Grace's diaper and went downstairs to fed her a bottle. Lexie would often have bring bottles of nursing milk with them to S.T.A.R Labs because if she had to fight off meta-humans with Barry, she wouldn't have time to breastfeed their daughter so she would leave the diaper bag that kept the bottles with Iris, Caitlin, and Hannah. She really hasn't learn to trust Jesse with feeding little Grace yet. Barry smiled at his daughter latched onto the bottle and eagerly ate. He whispered to Grace, "Guess you're like me, huh? You love to chow down on your food. Then again, you're just like your mom. How 'bout I make a deal with you. Can you cut your mom and I some slack? This is our first time to parenting." The next morning, Lexie woke up to find that her husband wasn't sleeping next to her. She walked downstairs to find her husband asleep on the couch with their baby girl also asleep on his chest with a blanket draped over them. She couldn't help but smile and take a picture of her two favorite people on her phone. Who couldn't resist taking a picture of your family? Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

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