Chapter 14: A sister's protectiveness

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The next morning, with Barry still asleep, he turned on his side and placed his arm where Lexie should be asleep but only to find the space empty. He opened one eye hoping to see his lovely and beautiful girlfriend asleep by his side but she wasn't. That caused Barry to panic and speed around the house to look for Lexie except she was nowhere to be found. After searching the house, Barry grabbed his phone and called Caitlin to see if Lexie was S.T.A.R Labs. Caitlin said to Barry on the phone, "Lexie isn't here, Barry. I think she went looking for her brother. You have to find them before either of them gets hurt or worse." Barry said to Caitlin, as he grabbed his jacket and keys, "What do you mean or worse?" Caitlin replied, her voice cracking, "If Dr. Wells kills Lexie and Nathan or the other way around." Barry said, as he got into Lexie's car, thankful that she didn't take her car with her, "You actually think that Lexie would murder Dr. Wells, Cait? She's too good to kill someone like Wells." Caitlin said, "She would protect herself and her brother at any cost now, Barry. Just find Nathan and Lexie and bring them back. Dr. Wells too." Barry nodded and hanged up as he headed to the CCPD to talk to Danielle, Logan, and Joe.

Meanwhile, Lexie sat at her laptop at the CCPD as she checked the security cameras that were around the city for her brother. She heard voices coming from outside her and her boyfriend's lab and ran to hide behind the shelf with her backpack, duffle bag, and laptop in her hand. It was Barry, Joe, and her parents. Lexie watched as they walked into her and Barry's lab. Logan said to Barry, "Ok, Barry. What's going on? Where's Lexie and Nathan?" Barry sighed and said, "That's the problem. Both of them have gone missing. Nathan was taken by Dr. Wells last night from the lab and Lexie went missing this morning. I think she went to look for Dr. Wells and Nathan when Cisco came by and told us that Dr. Wells abducted Nathan. I fear that Lexie might be capable of killing Dr. Wells or whatever his true name is." Danielle brought her hand over her mouth and said to Logan, "We lost them again." Logan placed his hands on his wife's shoulders and said to her, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. We're going to bring them home safe and sound with Barry's help." Barry said to his girlfriend's parents, "I promise that I'll bring them back. Over my dead body will Dr. Wells hurt Lexie or Nathan for any matter." Unknown to them, Lexie was putting her laptop in her backpack and putting her backpack on her back and grabbing her duffle bag as she watched her parents walk out of the lab. Lexie thought to herself, 'It's for the best that you do this alone. Nathan is your brother and you can't let him die and you won't.'

Barry sped off to S.T.A.R Labs to track down his girlfriend and her brother including Dr. Wells. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if Lexie died or Nathan. He said as he walked into the cortex, "Please tell me you found something." Cisco replied to his best friend, "Sure did. Take a look at this. *Barry stood behind Cisco and looked at the computer screen* Here's Lexie......" The camera showed Lexie walking towards the Central City harbor with her backpack on her back (holding her duffle bag in one hand) and an gun in her other hand. Barry gasped and Caitlin said to him, "If you don't stop her now, Lexie will kill Wells, Barry. Go!" Barry didn't hesitate to leave the lab and went to stop his girlfriend and to save his girlfriend's brother. He arrived just in time to see Lexie kneeling by her brother's side putting pressure on his wound. Barry said to Lexie, "Lexie! Thank God, you're ok!" Lexie snapped at her boyfriend, "Yeah, I'm ok! But my brother isn't! Thanks to that bastard Wells!" Nathan winced and said to Lexie, "Lexie, there isn't enough time! Wells...... he...... has super speed. He's going to kill you and Barry if you don't get out of here." Lexie looked at Barry and whispered to ,him "Get him out of here and take him to a hospital. I got Wells." Barry gave her a look and she said as he picked up Nathan "Don't worry. I'll be fine..... and I won't kill Wells." Just as Barry sped off with Nathan, Harrison Wells appeared in front of Lexie with (surprisingly and shockingly) two swords in his hands. He tossed one to Lexie and got ready to duel her. Lexie snapped at Wells, "I warn you, Wells. I'm expert at sword fighting." They begun to sword fight for a couple hours until a gunshot sounded. Lexie gasped in shock and checked herself but it wasn't her who was shot. It was Wells, he was shot by Logan who stood off to the sidelines. Wells fell down to the ground, wounded, and unconscious. Logan ran towards his daughter and brought her into a hug.

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